Decoy question?????


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I hunt a 3 acre pond. The mallards have arrived and when groups start working the pond early there are usually 6 to 10 birds per group. After the first 30 minutes I'm usually only working 2 to 3 birds per group.

I usually only put out around a dozen decoys but last week decided to put out a few more---ended up with 21 decoys in the water. The larger groups worked fine but it seemed the smaller groups didn't like the larger spread.

Question--if you were hunting a small body of water like that how many decoys would be in your spread?



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Re: Decoy question?????

Well a 3 acre pond isn't really that small of a body of water. We hunted in arkansas this weekend in your typical swamp pot holes which are no more then 200 yds long and 70-80 yds wide. We put out b/w 12-15 decoys and they worked out fine. Just make sure u place them in junction w/ the wind conditions. Ducks always land into the wind!!!(sometimes u get some crazy ones). Good luck man. I'll have pics in here soon w/ our success. It was amazing

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