Almost got killed.....

Guest TheNumber1Young1

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Guest TheNumber1Young1

Well today started out the normal school day, 2 exams starting at 7:25 and ending at 11:25. So i got out of school and decided i wanted to go hunting with my friend. Rode the bus home with him, got all my stuff on and we left. We were walking through the woods for about 2 miles(to our stands)*(yeah i know its a long way, but its worth it) so we have to cross this little creek/swamp area. He goes first and i see where he stepped, and i follow right behind him. Well i guess the mud just didnt like me. I started sinking really bad, i tried and tried to get out. It was taking its toll on me(id already walked mile and a half) i called his name and he was like come on man stop playin. I told him i wasnt and he could see I WAS LITERALLY SINKING! so i kept trying and trying to pump my legs and get out, i just kept going further and further down. By this time it had been a good 15 minutes, he threw me a rope cought that and he started to pull, and i kept trying to pump my legs i kept sinking. So he said just relax, ill get u out, he threw me a log on the end of the rope, i grabbed ahold, loosened my legs and we were making progress, i finally got out after 30 minutes, i was up to my chest in mud, and i lost my waiters. Im glad im alive but im dead tired, the walk out was terrible, cold, and my socks were wet, my bibs were wet, Everything was wet, but my gun was ok, a couple scratches and bangs, but overall this afternoon SUCKED.

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