Canadas are Buggin Out!


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Well we got a bit of a "cold snap" happening here. Acutally we are just closer to our seasonal temperatures. The last couple weeks has been great, but unfortunately we can't hold winter off forever.

On the drive home yesterday the skies were filled with lines of geese, high and migrating. You guys want some geese....well hold on cause they are coming. They are buggin out big time. grin.gifgrin.gif

Good luck to y'all!

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Re: Canadas are Buggin Out!

Like P says, they are on their way. I am still seeing 1000`s every day also. Geese will be big and fat for you folks down south what with all the grains still in the fields left unharvested. The ducks and geese are just gorging themselves. Still got a couple of hunts left before they all leave.

Ron grin.gif

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Guest benelli_man_84

Re: Canadas are Buggin Out!

I live in Ga. IF any of yall read this post and are north of ga, please tell me if yall see any ducks or geese migrating south. I would especially like to know if yall see any mallards migrating south on the eastern flyaway. Let me know and I will appreciate it. Thanks yall,


>>>> I love my Nova pump!!!!!!!

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Guest benelli_man_84

Re: Canadas are Buggin Out!

thanks for the infor cptcharles. We have a lot of woodies and a lot of resident canadas, but I am hoping to get some mallards in this year and maybe some migratory specks and snows later in the season. Good luck to ya. Our season opens in the morning, and it is supposed to be raining. Come **** or high water, I will be on the lake smackin em down.

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Re: Canadas are Buggin Out!

Wierd weather happening here again. We are back up into the 50's and that has kinda stopped the migration. Apparently we have a cold snap coming for this weekend and next week. That should get them moving.

I can't believe I was fixing my snowmachine in my T-shirt last night....snow will never come!

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Guest benelli_man_84

Re: Canadas are Buggin Out!

Thanks man. If you can keep me posted and if anyone else can keep me posted on the migration for this year, specially for the eastern flyayway, I would appreciate it. Good luck hunting.

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