Old Remington....


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The Automaster should hold up just fine for most field loads. I can't see heavy field loads (high brass) of 1 1/4 oz of shot harming this gun. Personally, I don't even use loads that are that heavy for small game hunting. If a 1 1/8 oz target load with #6 shot won't do the job, I use magnums. Anyhoo, thats off the subject. The gun should work well for upland, small game, or some trap/skeet/sporting clay shooting. I would not advise shooting slugs though the gun. Depending on how many rounds have been through the gun, it may benefit from a tune up.

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Re: Old Remington....

I would check out the springs to make sure they are still strong enough, give the gun a very thorough cleaning. Check the rear of the action to make sure its not cracking from the use of too many heavy loads, etc. Basically just give it a check up by a pro that knows what he is doing.

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