first attempt to video a hunt


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i dont know how long it will take for the video to load on your comp. but it took a wile on mine.

we got to the stand and before i could take a seat these two deer came out. they were about 55 yards away and to far for me to shoot. Its funny i dont need a range finder because my pintree farm is one, the trees are 5 feet apart, ,lol. at the end when they ran thats because a nice 10 pointer came and chased her off ( you can see her looking in the bucks direction.), thats why my grandpa stopped recording, he didnt want to gamble at taking this guy. its funny im trying to listen to my grandpa saying theres a buck and i dint even see the does run away. hope it works:

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Re: first attempt to video a hunt

Yeah, they sure do make it look easy. It always astonishes me when guys complain about the out-takes and added stuff in hunting videos, because they just don't realize that it is impossible to get everything you want, while the action is happening. You just can't call the deer back and say "OK ..take 3" grin.gif

Keep up the good work. It's a start. More than I can say for myself, because I've never tried it.

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