Real Antlers vs. Rattle Bag!


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Ok, I got a pair of antlers here. Its a very nice 8 pointer. I cant believe how much different they sound. Thought this next bowhunt in the fall of 2006 I would use these. I was playing around with the rattle bag this past season. Seen a few bucks, but they all just totally ignored the rattle bag.

Those of you that use the real thing. With a set of real antlers, do you remove the brow tines? I have noticed of a few occasions they have a tendency to strike my fingers when hitting them together. Maybe I am just not used to using them. Just thought I would pick some brains! Thanks in advance!

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Re: Real Antlers vs. Rattle Bag!

Some people remove them so they don't smash your fingers i personally don't. Guess it really doesn't matter but i just don't feel like it. I have noticed that the bucks pay alot more attention to the antlers than the bag as well. Have rattled in some big boys with real antlers. i use a 8 point set that scored in the mid 120's i shot 5 years ago. Still working well.

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Guest TheDanishDanger

Re: Real Antlers vs. Rattle Bag!

i agree, like the real antlers, i use a small set so it's doens't sound too intimidating and hopefully a mature buck steps out looking to scare off some younger one's. Worked last year, the dominant one stepped out and gave it a look. So yes, definetely the real thing.

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Re: Real Antlers vs. Rattle Bag!

I have never rattled in anything (that I am aware of) with a rattle bag, and that has not been for lack of trying. I have had pretty good success with the real thing. Real antlers just sound, well....real. I am pretty sure the deer can tell the difference. I also think that if the deer are in the mood they would come to a couple of sticks being beat together.

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