Bears still up & at it


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It's been plenty cold enough around least you'd think. But the bears aren't down yet. At least not near all of them. In the past 3 weeks, we've seen more bear tracks than I can count. Now, some of them have been made by the same bears. But, we can positively identify the tracks of a sow with two cubs, a lone bear about 200 lbs. and a lone bear about 500 lbs. ......possibly more. Just this morning, I was out scouting deer sign and jumped the sow with cubs out of a clearing.

Oh, yeah........... for the record...... we hunted all this ground in bear season with 11 good men and got a grand total of zero bears up. smirk.gif

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Re: Bears still up & at it

That's why its called hunting. LOL!

I have noticed that down here in VA, the males do not really hibernate. If they do its not very long. The pregnant sows will as they have their young, but we have seen bears all winter long when I hunted the orchard. Granted it does not get as cold on average as it does in PA, but its not that much different.

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