Painting Goose Decoy?

Guest tarbaby

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Guest tarbaby

I have just started to get into goose huntin a little just because a big pond by where I deer hunt always holds at least 500 canadians most of the winter. They feed mainly in two corfield.. one I hunt on and another just pass mine but they still fly over mine... well anyway I was given 8 floaters that were real old and decided to paint them up.. now my question is I used a shiny black color on a couple but was wondering if I should use more of a flat black for the heads or if it even matters? Also what color would be best for the bodies?

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Re: Painting Goose Decoy?

It would be best to get a catalog or reference pictures off line and determine the colors. I would avoid shiny paints b/c they will glare when the sun hits them and flare birds. But roughly canadas have grayish bodies, white under rumps, little lighter gray on the chest, and black heads w/ the cheek patch.

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Re: Painting Goose Decoy?

I have some duck decoys that I bought back in my college days--darn those decs must be 20 years old. Well I decided I was going to give them the new paint job. First off I washed the decoys really well. Then I scrubbed them with a metal brush to roughen up the surface a little. I then got on Google and just typed in Mallard Decoys---got tons of pics--went to Home Depot and got some paint and gave them all a new paint job. I think it turned out ok. I painted the body and let the kids paint the beak.

I would recommend using a flat paint.

good luck


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