Going beer hunting !


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Re: Going beer hunting !

Also, while beer hunting..make sure you have the tabs for all of them. If you get pulled over by the police or game warden, you'll want to be able to prove that you never downed too many and went over the bag limit.

Unlike bear hunting, where you down your bear first and then fiddle with the tag, beer hunting is quite different. You must first rip off the tab, before your allowed to down the beer ..remember that...very important. grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !

No baiting allowed here Bart ..LOLgrin.gif

You can however keep the pretzels in the truck for after you've tabbed and downed your beer.

As long as the authorities don't find pretzels on the ground near the area where you downed it, your OK. grin.gif

My advice also is to keep any untabbed beer in the back of your pickup, covered with a blanket, to keep it away from prying eyes and never put the downed beer in the cab with you. That's just plain unethical and smelly too. grin.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !

Well, if you can down the beer, before the pretzels get opened, your a better hunter than I am Bart...LOL. if that bag's open (even a slight tear in the corner) and you have a downed beer laying there when the game warden shows up. how do you explain to him that it wasn't open 10 minutes ago, before you downed the beer ...eh..eh..eh

Catch 22 situation there bud...I'd play it safe and keep the pretzels in the vehical. grin.gif

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