Going beer hunting !


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Re: Going beer hunting !

OK, I have a good scenorio for you Bart (and gator and anyone else who's interested in Beer Hunting..LOL)

Your Beer hunting out of a treestand right. You spot your beer, you take out your tab and tab it, then you just go to down it and it drops, right after your first shot. You thought it was going down for good, but you've failed to down it and it starts running all over the woods.

You also know dang well, that it is the only beer in the whole dang woods...now what do you do ??? confused.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !

No gator, for crying out loud man...crying is your very last resort in a sticky situation like this.

For one thing, I would hope that you weren't dumb enough to put your stand more than 5' or so off the ground. Any further off the ground while beer hunting would be totally unsafe, (in my opinion) and better left to those "OTHER" hunters who hoist their stands up 15 and 20 ft...geesh, what nuts eh.

So..where were we.....you've taken your shot, dropped the beer, but it never got downed and is now running frantically all over the woods making girgling sounds. crazy.gif

You quickly, jump out of your stand, grab the beer by the head (not the tail or your going to lose it for sure) and take another shot. You just keep taking shots until it goes down, but sometimes all your left with is one shot before the beer escapes and eludes you for good. So you'd better grab him fast and hold on for dear life, while taking those final shots.

That's the way an ol' feller told me how to recover a wounded beer anyway, and it all makes perfect sense to me.

Now what I'd really like to know, is, where is the original poster of this thread gone to. The guy who was so interested in beer hunting in the first place. Have I been pouring my guts out here with this encyclopedia of knowledge on beer hunting, only to see it go to deaf ears? I sure hope not. frown.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !


I thought the only thing you could bait beer with is beer nuts

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No way man ...you have to down the beer before you can ever expect to use beer nuts. ...oh never mind...you guys just don't get it ....Why do I even bother...geesh

Oh, I'm sorry...did you mean bring the beer nuts from another hunt to use for this one....oh yeah, that's perfectly legal (and safe too) grin.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !


I figured something like Seagrams or Bacardi would be a better estrous, buckee?

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That ol'feller told me not to use seagrams or Bacardi, or any of that fancy stuff, while beer hunting. It doesn't do much to attract beer for one thing and when you use it too libarally, before getting on stand, you just end up getting dizzy and disoriented and end up losing your stand location and possibly get lost in the woods to boot. Even if you were successful at using some, when it came time to take a shot at the ol' beer, you'd most likely be too dizzy to take a shot, not to mention forgetting about tabbing it first.

Not recommended at all. tongue.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !

I think you've touched on something HC.

I'm a REAL beerhunter. It's got to be at least a 12 or I won't even think about tabbing.

But there's some guys out there that call themselves beerhunters who will take the singles! There's nothing I hate more than to walk into my favorite beerhunting grounds and find a 6 with one missing!! Flat ticks me off. IF YOU'RE GONNA HUNT BEERS, DON'T TAB THE SINGLES...LEAVE 'EM FOR THE REAL BEERHUNTERS........(for you gator)grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !

Man...all those trophy class beers gone to waste eh Kevin. Those are big suckers compared to those little "light" weights caught on camera.

How many trohies does one man need eh ...geesh ..poachers ...disgusting tongue.gif

I found this remnant of an old trophy beer one time while out shed hunting...poor ol'guy. Makes you wonder how he met his fate, since this is all that was left of the brute.


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Re: Going beer hunting !

I am a self proclaimed expert at beer hunting, as it was so easy to get one that I had to give it up. Everywhere I looked in my younger days, I found beer in great numbers. Why, you could almost say there was a beer behind every tree back then..(Had to recycle a few of them)! tongue.gif

You have to watch it when you do happen to bag a good beer though. Make sure to avoid those beer farts. They are some nasty critters.

I think I have too much time on my hands tonight... smirk.gif

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Re: Going beer hunting !


OK, I have a good scenorio for you Bart (and gator and anyone else who's interested in Beer Hunting..LOL)

Your Beer hunting out of a treestand right. You spot your beer, you take out your tab and tab it, then you just go to down it and it drops, right after your first shot. You thought it was going down for good, but you've failed to down it and it starts running all over the woods.

You also know dang well, that it is the only beer in the whole dang woods...now what do you do ??? confused.gif

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ok sherm, in this situation, are the pretzels open, or not? are they the long stick kind of pretzels, or the little twisted kind?

cuz, it makes a difference you know, before you tab a beer.

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