kRISTA'S DEER 12-26-05

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Krista {age 11}and I got into our blind right at day break.We are hunting a major travel corridor for does and yearlings.Of course this brings in the bucks as well ,but they tend to stay back in the timber and only offer an occasional shot here and there.This morning shortly after getting set up we saw several does and yearlings moving through nervously,I told Krista to stay alert because that usually means a buck is near by! Sure enough here he came ,he was a really nice 8 point and I got some good video ,but krista didn't have a good shot ,he needed to take a few more steps.all of a sudden there was a loud noise from somewhere near by and he left in a hurry! All was calm for a good while ,then we had deer coming from another direction.It was more does, Krista readied herself for a shot if one offered it! A yearling came in then two older does.One didn't stick around long ,but the other offered a perfect shot .Krista shot her at 20 yards in the neck with her New England .223 using Remington 55gr.psp.

We watched deer for another couple of hours and got some really good footage!



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