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Micaela 8yrs,My wife Michelle and I went out for an evening hunt! we saw several does right off ,but they were just passing through and never slowed down for a shot.About 20 minutes before sundown we heard some more coming,there were several again from the same direction the others came from,they stayed bunched together and I didn't think the older of the bunch would ever offer a clear shot of the other deer,but she eventually did . Micaela made a perfect neck shot with the New England .223 and Remington 55gr psp at 35 yards.

this is her second deer. All of our family with the exception of the 2 younger children qualify for the Texas Big Game awards this season. My buck broke the 130 mark ,My wife took her first deer this year,which qualifies her for the first big game harvest award and the 3 girls can get a youth harvest award every year they take a deer till they are 17 years old! If we are able to make the trip ,we will attend the Texas Big Game Awards banquet this year!



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