blazer vanes


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Re: blazer vanes

Good luck on getting a lot of helical outof them. These vanes are so stiff because of the thickness of them, it's hard to put alot of helical in them. They do work great and are very durable vanes. I couldn't tell you if they will hit with your fieldtips or not. That'll be up to the bow and how well it is tuned. The 2" vanes are supposed to weigh as much as 4" vanes.

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Re: blazer vanes

I tried the vanes this season and had no luck once I put my Muzzy's on them. I was shooting bulletholes and then went way low right. I switched back to my 4" vanes and more problems. I just couldn't get the tuning I wanted out of them and if I don't have the confidence in my shooting then I won't be any good in the field.

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