For those that actually want to know the truth


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Since we're bashing Bush and praising Clinton for jobs lost or not lost, here's a few FACTS about the matter - not that any liberal would give a **** about.

From the Dept. of Labor, here's a few quotes you may find interesting.

2.9 million private-sector jobs that have been lost since 1991

Since 1994, the apparel industry has shrunk by 35 percent – from 848,800 jobs to 550,900 jobs today, Labor Department figures show.

1991? 1994? You mean to tell me that Bush has been in office since 1991? Oh wait, there was someone else in the office in the 90's - Clinton and he's a hero for letting jobs go across the oceans.

From CNN - Your Communist News Network:

It’s a sign of the times that Americans only now are awaking to the job flight, which began in significant numbers about four years ago.

The shift largely was hidden by the decade-long expansion of the 1990s that created jobs for almost anyone who wanted one.

Wait a second - you mean to tell me that this overseas things been going on all this time? According to some, it all started in 2000 - not so.

From Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the economics department at Princeton University and also a governor of the Federal Reserve:

Two hundred thousand jobs per year amount to a bit more than 1 percent of the 15 million gross jobs lost each year. . . for all reasons. Quantitatively, outsourcing abroad simply cannot account for much of the recent weakness in the U.S. labor market and does not appear likely to be an important restraint to further recovery in employment.

Of that 15 million jobs lost, Bernanke explains that almost 17 million new jobs have been created - for those of us that count, that's 2 million PLUS jobs.

That's all I'm going to comment on this subject, some get it and some are just stupid.

Here's some cheese to go along with that whine


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Re: For those that actually want to know the truth



It’s a sign of the times that Americans only now are awaking to the job flight, which began in significant numbers about four years ago.

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4 years ago, around the time Bush took office?

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There you go not blaming Bush again confused.gif.

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Re: For those that actually want to know the truth



It’s a sign of the times that Americans only now are awaking to the job flight, which began in significant numbers about four years ago.

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4 years ago, around the time Bush took office?

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Oh, my bad - it's apparent that only some actually look this up. This was taken from an article dated 2000. That puts it squarly under the Clinton Admin.

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Re: For those that actually want to know the truth

The biggest lose of jobs over the past 10 years has been in the IT sector. IT for those that don’t know is “Information Technology”. These are the people that you call when you have a problem at work.

Now for anyone that’s never worked with an IT department, you probably won’t understand this, but these people have been bringing it on themselves for years. These departments have held captive many organizations forcing them not only to spend more money on technology, but costing the same companies billions for holding up progress.

In the past, when someone needed something, lets say a piece of software to run a program. You would have to submit multiple forms to multiple people, all have to be signed off, then it goes to IT. IT then evaluates and determines whether you actually need this or not. This usually takes a few months and a lot screaming, yelling, begging and pleading. So once we’ve determined that it’s really needed, IT then goes out and purchases it, brings it in and it’s typical for them to use it, play with and ultimately bless it and somewhere around a year after you’ve determined you need this, you’ll probably get it.

IT departments cost major corporations billions of dollars a year – who pay for this? Of course, the consumer in higher prices.

You want all jobs to stay in the US? Be prepared to add about 25 percent to the Consumer Price Index. That may not be the answer you’re looking for but is reality.

Nobody really cares or has offered up that another major reason that there’s job loses is the increases in imports.

The Economic Policy Institute estimates that between 1993 and 2000, our lopsided trade policies, reflected in the explosive increase in the U.S. trade deficit, cost Americans a net 3 million jobs and job opportunities. The growth in the NAFTA trade deficit alone is associated with nearly 900,000 lost jobs and job opportunities through 2002.

Even States are outsourcing public sector jobs as well, though most state governments do not know exactly how many. At least forty states contract out administration of electronic benefit cards for the food stamps program offshore. In one audit, the state of Washington found 36 out of 41 agencies were contracting out work overseas. A recent study by INPUT Research projects outsourcing of state and local government technology contracts will grow from $10 billion last year to $23 billion in 2008.

I listen to a lot of democrats harping on Big Business and the tax breaks that they receive. To listen to them, these businesses should be paying the most taxes because they’re making the most money.

What was Kerry’s plan to keep businesses from outsourcing? To give even bigger tax breaks to corporations which when you do the math means only one thing – you and I will make up for that shortfall. Somebodies gotta pay for it and sure won't be the politians! Again, the only answer or plan a democrat has is to raise taxes.

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