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I'm looking for a rifle for my son. He's 6 months old so I'm not in a real big hurry, but it could be used by my 9year old daughter. I've got 2 nef's and am pretty familiar with their quality and accuracy, which I have been very pleased with. I bought a rossi youth 22lr a few month back, but havn'' shot it yet.

I was looking on the wal-mart special order guns, and I can get a rossi youth gun for about $45 less than the nef. I was thinking about a 223 youth, because of the low recoil and the low price of ammo. Then I figured as the kids got bigger I could get a bigger barrel, either a 243 or 7mm-08.

Does anyone have enough experience with both guns that you could definitively give an opinion on the quality and accuracy of both guns?

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Re: Rossi-VS-NEF


i would go with the 243 , cause here a 223 isnt deer legal the recoil on a 243 isnt bad at all my 7 year old girl shoots one if you get the 243 then you will have a deer and varmit rifle

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I think you missed my point there. The big reason I want the 223 is it will be a lot cheaper to shoot ie. govt . surplus shells can be 1/4 the price of the cheapest 243 shells. 223 is legal to use on deer here and I wouldn't have any reservations using it on the shots that I would allow my kids to take.

My question is on reliability and accuracy of the rossi gun vs the nef.

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