Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps


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Re: Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps

I don't think one is safer than the other. If you fall out of your stand you can just as easily swing into sticks as well as steps.

They both can ice up and get slippery when wet.

With screw in steps it's all in how you mount them. Too far apart and it makes it very awkward to maneuver and climb. But I like being able to place the steps where I want them.

I have and use both stpes and sticks. They both work well when set up correctly.

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Re: Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps

I never tried the sticks, but have been using screw-in steps for years. Trick is to get the screw-in steps with the "Tapered" screw, this makes screwing them into trees much easier, than some of the "blunt" screw steps such as the grizzly. Also, be sure to keep them approx. 16" apart to make climbing safer and easier, make sure to have at least 15 steps with you to get up to at least 15-18'. I have never had one step ever "come" out of a tree in all the times that I have been using them. If that had actually happened to you, the actual tree was most likely at fault, and probably a dead tree!!!! Be sure to climb into "live" trees only.

That being said, screwing in 15-18 steps can be very tiring, and you'll work up one heck of a lather in the process. I just might take a second look at some of those climbing sticks on the market!!

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Re: Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps


That being said, screwing in 15-18 steps can be very tiring, and you'll work up one heck of a lather in the process. I just might take a second look at some of those climbing sticks on the market!!

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That is exactly why putting up 3, 4, or even 5 pieces of a stick ladder is much easier IMO!

They are also in my opinion safer. I use rachet straps to hold my sticks on the tree and so far to date I've never had a problem with them. Steps are evenly spaced so they are easy to climb up in the dark as well.

I'll take a stick ladder over screw in steps any if your hunting public land or even private land...some states and land owner don't allow screw in steps. They don't kill the tree, but do damage the tree.

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Re: Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps

I much prefer climbing sticks. Putting in a several steps is such pain. Sticks go up with nearly no effort and I do like knowing where the next step will be when climbing in the dark.


Screw ins kill trees Dont They?

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No, they don't.

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Re: Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps

what ever the situation dictates is what i use. if i can use a climbing stick i will.

but lets face it you cant get into a lot of trees with just a climbing stick. thats where tree steps work just fine.

tree steps do not kill trees , i have had tree steps in trees that have grown around the steps. which made them permanent and have never seen any ill effects from using tree steps in trees.

what happens to you guys that find a great spot for a stand and dont use tree steps and you cant get your ladder or climbing stick to get into the tree ?

do you just walk around and look for a tree that you can get into ?

the one thing about tree steps is that they can be used anywhere , anytime . sure we have to be carefull with them just like anything else.

Shoot Strong


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Re: Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps

I have hunted a buddys stand with sticks and have to admit they are nice, but I don't have any. I use primarily the API Skyhooks. They are steps made of aluminum that fold, but the best part is that they slip on to the bolt heads and can be removed each time you leave the stand, making it harder for trespassers to find or steal your stands. Plus, I only need one set of steps for all of my stands, I just buy more bolts for each tree.

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Re: Climbing Sticks or Screw in steps


tree steps do not kill trees , i have had tree steps in trees that have grown around the steps. which made them permanent and have never seen any ill effects from using tree steps in trees.

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You may not see the ill effects, but if the owner of that tree ever wants it cut for logging ($)...then is when you'd see the ill effects.


what happens to you guys that find a great spot for a stand and dont use tree steps and you cant get your ladder or climbing stick to get into the tree ?

do you just walk around and look for a tree that you can get into ?

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I've actually had my sticks strapped to trees and had them bent or twisted to compensate around limbs. There are very few trees that I couldn't get a stick ladder into, but yes, if I find a good spot and can't find a tree that works...I'll find one nearby. Same with a climbing stand...sometimes you gotta find the right tree.

Again, be sure about your state laws and the landowners rules. PA...its illegal to use screw in steps on public land, and I personally don't allow them on my land either.

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