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where? the mountains of colorado. although the exact spot has not been selected yet, i'm favoring the taylor reservoir area just west of buena vista, and about 25 miles north of gunnison. folks, this is elk country! camp will be about the 9,000' level, with elk both higher and lower. both lake and stream fishing will be campside, or a short walk away.

when? that's up to you folks. we'll take a poll and the majority wins. for archery, the season starts august 26. for rifle, the season is oct. 21-29. in either season, camp will be set up 2 days prior, and will be taken down after the hunt, which is 7 days of hunting. hunters can come and go as they please.

how to get there? this is a prime chance for r.t. forum members to get together geographically, and drive on out together on a share expense basis. a perfet scenario would be for the guy with a truck or suburban to get 2 or 3 others, and head to colorado. throw the camping gear in the trailer with the 4 wheelers, put the cruise on, and enjoy. everyone shares the costs. want to fly? come on out. i'll have once a day pickup service from the colorado springs airport. cost is gas only, shared by the number of riders in the truck. it's about 3 hours into camp from the airport.

the camp? just a spot to park motor homes, tents, or what have you. i use canvas tents. bring what you want. my persoal site will have about 6 tents, each with a heater. the larger tent will be "the pro's nest", where you can talk with some of the pro's who may attend. there will also be some moderators there. just who, we won't say. pot luck, guys.

another feature i'll offer, on a need basis, is tent space. those flying will need a spot of ground to crash on. bring your own sleeping bag and whatever. i'll also have a tent strictly for the ladies, should there be any coming.

this is a do it yourself hunt and camp, fully self guided. very low cost. for those flying, i think i can talk my wife into making us some pre-cooked meals like stews, meat loaf, etc. so, you can eat for what i expect to be about $7.00 a dinner. hopefully we'll get some elk steaks the first day! but, if you fly, you won't go hungry. (camp cook wanted... no pay, cold working conditions, must cut wood for the stove, abusive clientele... any persons dream. tongue.gif

costs: elk license is $488., mule deer are $293., 5 day fishing is $21.00. go to the colorado division wildlife web site at and find out all the details.

there will be horses for rent should anyone want one. i prefer to walk. i'll also have a full list of stuff to bring as the time gets closer.

i want this to be a good, friendly, christian camp. having a drink or 2 is fine, but no drunks please. swearing will be only at me, and kept in low tones. if the ladies come to hunt, remember that they came to hunt. a clean, respectful camp is all i ask.

scott will keep this post up top for 45 days. we want to hear from you! are you interested? want to proceed? or, is this just another dumb idea? we'll see what happens and what response we get in that 45 days, and go from there. i'm open to any and all suggestions, criticisms, ideas, etc. feel free to pm me or respond here.

now the ball is in your court! laugh.gif

steve beilgard

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****RT ELK HUNT Colorado MAPS****


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Sure isn't a dumb idea in my book.... Man Steve you and Scott just keep outdoing yourselves.....

Just wish I could afford such a trip, retail work just doesn't give that luxury.... frown.giffrown.gif... Especially if I want to get a hunt in with ya for a Antelope... wink.gif,, that hopefully soon will come true... Just once I would love to hunt out of state and have some fun... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

But Im sure you will get great responses to this idea, because it sure is one heck of a deal, and oppertunity to get to meet great people....

Thanks to you and Scott, for thinking of the great people that visit and help each other out in this great forum.... cool.gifsmile.gif,, my hat goe's off to both of you... and especially to your lovely wife for putting up with ya..... grin.giftongue.gifwink.gif

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What an incredible opportunity for those who have never hunted the elusive wapiti or the noble muley. If indeed there will be some "pros" there to offer advise and guidance, what more could one ask for? Just the camaraderie of fellow hunters (imagine the stories that will be told) in the majestic setting of the Rockies would be well worth the price of the license. I will try to fit it into my plans for the coming year, all depending on my luck in several drawings for various limited tags here in Montana and Utah. I would favor the archery season if it extends into the heat of the rut, but anytime hunting is a good time. For those of you thinking you will put it off until you can afford it, you may never be able to "afford" it, but then again you may not be able to afford missing the experience. Next year may never come, let's go hunting this year!

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People interested in this have to realize that gun season tags application deadline is in April. You foot the bill for the tag in advance. If you are drawn, they send you a tag.

You must have a hunters safety card to get Colorado license. This goes for everyone, not just kids, if you don't have one you have to take a hunters safety class before the season.

Are there any preference points needed for gun season tags? What zone is this?

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It would be fun just to be there. Interesting proposition for sure.

hunters safety card is something I don't have. I'm still protesting the need to take my hunter's ed/safety course and/or challenge the test (for a fee of course) all over again, since these new ridiculous gun laws came out. I took my hunter's safety course when I was 15 years old, and don't see why I, after 40 years of hunting, need to take it again. I do have my POL (Possession Only Permit) crazy.gif

Sounds like it might be a bit of a hassle and a bit pricey for some of us Canucks to hunt there, but just being there and sharing the experience with others would be a hoot. smile.gif

Cool idea for sure.

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Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)


Great Idea,

Bull elk tags for Unit 55 ofColorado's 2nd rifle season, ( the dates of the proposed hunt) are over the counter and unlimited in number. You do not need to apply for a OTC bull license, as long as you buy it before opening day you are set. If you would prefere better odds of tagging out you could apply for a cow elk tag, $253 last year, and should draw with no preference points. During any of Colorado's rifle seasons you may hunt with the legal weapon of your choice (rifle, bow, blackpowder). 55 is a pretty good elk unit.

If you are wanting to hunt deer you will need a pile of preference points to draw a mule deer. Last year there were 170 mule deer buck tags for unit 55 during 2nd rifle and 802 applicants of which 40% were available to non residents. It will be less in 2006. Here is a link to CDOW's big game page. If you want to click on statistics you can visit 'hunt recaps' and figure out the preference points. They are not easy to figure out.


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Sounds like a great idea and fun to.

I would want to bowhunt. That's been my dream for along time. I'll have to see what I can do.

As far as having the hunters safety card. I took the coarse many moons ago but I'd be dogged if I know where it's at. Heck I was a kid back

Does this mean I would have to take it again or can I get a copy of it somewhere?

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It is a little to soon for me & my Checkbook

after my Bear Trip in 05 & inpending Taxidermy Balance. frown.gif

That is one of the Hunts I want to do though.

I even have a cousin that Lives in Gunnison.


I think in Colorado You Have to have

THE ORIGINAL Hunter Safety Certificate. No Copies. frown.gif

In IA, they won't reissue one if you have Lost it. frown.gif

I retook the Class Last Year with My 22 Year old Daughter,

even though I had taken it over 40 years ago. crazy.gif

Didn't know if I would need it to Bear Hunt In Canada, so I Just retook it. smirk.gif

A Good Thing to Have & the Refresher doesn't hurt anyone. smile.gif

Plus get to meet new People at the Class possibly. smile.gifsmile.gif


I don't Make the Year Cut Off either, 1957 for Me frown.gif


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now THAT'S the spirit, ric. just showing up and camping for a day or a week, visiting, and meeting the folks on the forum. that's why i'll be there. of course, i'll have a fly rod, and maybe my gun, but it's the visiting i'll enjoy the most. just a great rt get together, with some hunting as an option.

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