Pet Peeve


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It's kind of a funny one, but I hate it when companies are too lazy to get original with names for their bows, like Mathews made a Mustang after Champion had one out for a few years already, or PSE naming a bow Diablo after Champion had one.

I know there are a lot more out there. It just drives me nuts that they can put all that time, energy, and effort into a new bow design, but can't get original with the name.

Told you it was a funny peeve. smirk.gif

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Re: Pet Peeve

Well, I suppose some of the young pups that run the marketing end of these companies probably don't even know that they are not being original. Or maybe they just ran a million dollar study and it turns out that those particular names cause people to fly completely out of control and buy the product even when they don't want it .... lol.

I don't know, but it seems to me that I saw a car name being re-used not too long ago. Hey, they're just running out of names. But, I'll bet I could help them out. Gee, what would be wrong with "The Twanger"? How about "The Slug", or maybe for those that like animal names, "The Possum"? .... "The Bat"? ... "The Goose"? Or for those that like powerful weather events, how about the "Twister"? No, that might be construed as saying something about the limbs. Maybe I'd better just leave the bow model naming to the experts .... eh?


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Re: Pet Peeve


It took me until the last word of your post to realize it said "peeve". I though the topic was "Pat Reeve". crazy.gif Heck, and I ain't even blonde. blush.gif

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i thought the same It took me a minute or two to realize what it said. I was thinkin"what does this post have to do with Pat Reeve?"

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Re: Pet Peeve


Kinda like the Switchback, Switchback XL, and Switchback LD. How about the Apex and the Apex 7. crazy.gif

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Why not? They are additions to a series. I wouldn't change the "base name" either. It is like a Silverado 1500, 2500, 1500HD, etc. No reason to change the base name if they are just additions to a series.

Names aren't a big deal to me. I would assume most bow companies come up with the name for the bow before it is released. What bugs me is when a bow is introduced and the next year another company makes one almost identical. For example, an '05 bow is 33" ATA, 7" BH and about 318 FPS. Now, a new '06 bow is 33" ATA, 7" BH and about 316 FPS...and both bows sport parallel limbs. smirk.gifwink.gif That is my "Pat Reeve" I guess. grin.gifsmirk.gif

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Guest rbfree1

Re: Pet Peeve

I got one, but I am kind of scared to say anything about it as most of you will hate me for saying it. BUt. I think archery has went why away from its intended purpous. When bow seasons were establishind in this country we didn't have 300fps bows and a 70 yard shot was almost unheard of. Now a days they are commen place in my part of the country. A man had to practice for months before season to become proficiant with his bow and now many of use can be deadly with a few shot practice sesions in the back yard. this is a problem in my mind such as in-line muzzle loaders with scopes and 209 primers. THAT IS NOT MUZZEL loading its a single shot rifle. That was not the intent of the muzzle loader season but the industry has come up with ways to make us more efficant killers and less hunters. We need to stop hi tec. gadgets from ruining the sport we love. I know of a few states that are already talking about doing away with BOW season as it has become so easy in there minds and want to go to a blanket deer season where you can just use what ever means you want to fill your tag. sad day indeed. Let the flame war begin. but deep down you know I am right.

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Pet Peeve

Well most Parker bows are actually discontinued Mathews and sometimes they just dont even change the names or they barely change them. Parker and Mathews are like Hoyt and Reflex they are sister companies and Parker gets Mathews discontinued bows and Reflex gets Hoyts disc. bows. But I do agree with you they should atleast change the names.

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