Fired Up!!!

Guest gobblergetter15

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Guest gobblergetter15

Well guys, I had one of the best hunting mornings ever. I was in the stand before light and man they were movin!!! At first light I saw a spike and a little button buck movin on through. After that two does came walking by in a thicket about 45 yards away, and wouldnt u know there was four bucks walking behind them all in a group. Two of them were 8 pointers and the others 6 pointers, but I could never close deal. Then after that I went on to see 6 more does that would never stop for me to get a shot. Man, 14 deer from light to 10 o clock in the morning. It was awesome. Hopefully next time I can close the deal.

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Re: Fired Up!!!

Sounds like your in a hot spot smile.gif


Then after that I went on to see 6 more does that would never stop for me to get a shot.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want to stop a deer right in a shooting lane for a shot, draw your bow, get ready and as soon as he enters the spot you want to take the shot, let out a nassal sounding NAAAA, or MAAAA.

It always works for me, accept when a buck is chasing a hot doe.

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Guest gobblergetter15

Re: Fired Up!!!

[/ QUOTE ] If you want to stop a deer right in a shooting lane for a shot, draw your bow, get ready and as soon as he enters the spot you want to take the shot, let out a nassal sounding NAAAA, or MAAAA.

It always works for me, accept when a buck is chasing a hot doe.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I tried but they were all running.

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