Crazy experience...


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Saturday I had the opportunity to go duck hunting on my family farm (where i always duck hunt) and this weekend was also the special doe season for the state of Oklahoma. Anyway---the does like to follow the tree line around the pond and then hop over the fence on the neighbors property. The neighbors don't hunt but do give one guy permission. Anyway--I pull up the pond and use the headlights to put out decoys. Kennel the dog then drive the truck a ways away not to scare the ducks. Well I guess I ruined the deer hunt for the neighbors so they were going to make sure they ruined my duck hunt. Everytime I'd see ducks and start calling the jerks would start screaming "here duck--here duck" and shoot their rifles in the air. It probably cost me 4 groups of ducks. I started to go confront them but with them having rifles and me a shotgun I didn't. I figured they'd probably try to shoot my dog then claim it tried to attack them.

My dad bales hay on the neighbors property and is pretty good friends with him so I want to call the neighbor. I know he'd probably take away their hunting rights but dad has cattle on our property and the guy might retaliate by shooting a cow or two? Kind of stumped on what to do. Now that deer season is over I know it probably won't happen again.

any thoughts?


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Re: Crazy experience...

Not sure what to do in your situation, i had almost the exact same thing happen about 2 weeks ago on a goose field.

I guess the guy was upset we were able to hunt the field because we got permission first, he owned the ajoining land. As the flocks of geese (about 8 flocks total) entered the field he randomly shot at the flocks from 200-400 yards, scaring them off. I tried to confront him but he wouldnt come out of his barn and then drove off in the truck as i tried to wave him down. What an *******!!

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Re: Crazy experience...

Rifles??? So they were shooting at migratory waterfowl with lead ammo?

Rather than using the "Interfering with a hunt" call to the game the GW and tell him these yahoos are hunting waterfowl with lead shot. Another angle...It's also illegal to hunt waterfowl with a rifle.

Do they have waterfowl licenses and all their state and federal waterfowl stamps? How about a HIP permit?

If they don't have a license then I count at least four violations at the same time (toxic ammo, rifle, hunting migratory waterfowl without proper licensing, and interfering with a lawful hunt.)

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