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First off welcome to the forums!

There are a number of factors to get a deer under your stand and sometimes that means your going to them.

Im not sure where you're from but deer everywhere are either in rut or starting to slip in. Using attractant scents (namely estrus) such as tink's 69 will help bring them to your stand. Also keep in mind you need to be as scent free (personally) as possible. Use a scent free soap. Keep your clothes outside or on a bag with pine, cedar, or dirt and leaves, and use a great cover spray such as Real Earth, white lightning, and carbon blast.

If they are in a pattern you need to set up closer to them. They will usually only break that pattern during rut. Once that happens any movement will be sporadic. They will be looking for receptive does and will often come to an estrus call. "The Can" is a very productive call during this period. Id wait until I had them in sight before you started calling. Once they look your way stop calling or they will locate the sound.

Rattling is only good when you have good buck to doe ratios. Our ranch has been as high as 18-20 does per buck. Rattling wont work there because the bucks do not have to compete for a doe. If you have a good ratio, such as 4 to 1 rattling will work but only if its close to or during the rut. Also dont go at the rattle bag or antlers as if two deer are tearing down the timber. Make sure you're in cover so that the deer will have to investigate and rattle sporadically. Dont just sit there thrashing around. It will sometimes work but it often drives off smaller, less dominate bucks.

If you grunt give the tube a blow about every 45-60 minutes and make it soft and low. Deer are vocal but they dont sound like Pavarotti. Ive heard people lay into a tube. If they are in a heavy rut and are willing to commit they will come to check it out. Remember to keep the grunts a little higher pitched. Smaller less mature bucks wont necessarily come to a deep mature grunt. During the rut they will want to avoid a conflict and they will steer away from the deep grunt....usuallly. Keep in mind that any of his is subject ot change. If there is one thing consistent about deer its that they are unpredictable.

Have fun and keep it safe.

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Welcome to the Realtree forums grin.gif

Besides all of the above, your stand also must be in the right spot.

I've seen some people actually put stands up in a spot they like, because of the view, but the spot in not necessarily where the deer are going to be passing by close.

I've always hung my stands where ever the main concentration of does and fawns hang out. It may not be the ideal location to see bucks in the early part of the season (but don't bet on it) .but come rut, the bucks will be following these trails like blood-hounds, looking for hot does.

I always try to find an intersection of good trails to set up at, where 2,3 or even 4 trails might cross each other or join up. It just ups your odds of seeing something that much more.

Always keep the "prevailing" wind in mind, when setting up a stand too, and it never hurts to set up an alternate stand for those "odd wind" days.

I guess you have to ask yourself, why you set up your stand where you did. Was it because that's where you wanted to be, for the view, or because that's where the deer always pass by ???

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