quick survey on design of mine


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Re: quick survey on design of mine

Yep, folks are probably gonna want it. It's not just gonna be the disabled or elderly either. Such a proposal has the possibility of a safer quieter way to climb.

It would be most useful if the power and mechanism was contained in a unit that could be easily packed in. That way several sites could be set up to accept the stand and the more expensive powered component could be brought in and removed as needed.

This allows the hunter that requires such a device more versatility and makes theft (which unfortunately happens) more painless. Plus the half a setup scenario makes theft much less appealing.

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Re: quick survey on design of mine

Pretty neat idea. I certainly see a demand for it. Just think of all the people who ride the little scooters around Walmart cause they're too lazy to walk! It's right up their alley! grin.gif

Seriously though, (I know, don't worry about the details, but....) how much weight will it handle?

I know it's not just for the disabled, but you might contact somebody like the NWTF's Wheelin' Sportsman and get their take on it. We have a local Wheelin' Sportsman deer hunt every year and are always limited to ground blinds for most participants.

Good Luck!

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