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My dad and I are going to be leasing some land for hunting pheasant and whitetails. This area is some farmed fields, woods, and a bottom separating two fields. The bottom is very thick with little pine trees and short trees, with brush thrown all through that. Now we are looking to clear a lot of that out, so my question is how do we clear it out without to much pain. We were told to get industrial strength round-up and spray that, then go through with a brush hog or something similar, is this the best way or is there a better way? Any info appreciated..

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Question

why clear out good cover for the deer?that is where I would hang a stand and hunt rather then clear it out! try mananageing the area instead. a little 19-19-19 on native plants will draw the deer in there. also with the pines and briers you have wonderful winter cover. this will provide them the much needed cover from the cold along with a food source.

in my oppion I would keep it. in fact my big project is to create what you have decribed.


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Re: Question

Like mdqc says you need to keep some of this. If you just want to hunt birds then this would be ok but if you want to keep deer on the place you need to leave it until the undergrowth starts to die out. Then you need to just thin it out to get some sun to the ground and get all that thick stuff back. grin.gif

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Re: Question

Sorry about not clarifying. We aren't clearing the whole thing, just about half, because as you said it is great deer area. What we are looking to do is make an area either for a small food plot, or just low grass for pheasant cover. My friend and I both have pointing dogs and are trying to get the bird population in our area up because wild birds are a rarity around here. Sorry about the clarity...

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