Scott Peterson


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Re: Scott Peterson

I think he should have to swim around Alcatraz for about 50 years!!!

Sure am glad this thing is going to be over with. Between the election and his trial, it sure has been sickening to listen to. Now what are the news groups going to find to yap about??

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Re: Scott Peterson


It costs more to put someone to death then to sentence them to life in prison...

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I find that very hard to believe! The average imate costs the public $22,000 to $27,000 a year! Death row imates I think are like $35,000 per year! So lets figure out what it would cost the public to house one imate say for 40 years! A life sentence!

$22,000 x 40 years= $880,000

$27,000 x 40 years= $1,080,000

$35,000 x 40 years= $1,400,000

Yeah sure I want to pay this over 40 years of my tax dollars!!! If it cost more than a million dollars, well then I'll donate a few bucks for ammo and the wood for a pine box!

FRY HIM!!!! mad.gif

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Re: Scott Peterson



I find that very hard to believe! The average imate costs the public $22,000 to $27,000 a year! Death row imates I think are like $35,000 per year! So lets figure out what it would cost the public to house one imate say for 40 years! A life sentence!

$22,000 x 40 years= $880,000

$27,000 x 40 years= $1,080,000

$35,000 x 40 years= $1,400,000

Yeah sure I want to pay this over 40 years of my tax dollars!!! If it cost more than a million dollars, well then I'll donate a few bucks for ammo and the wood for a pine box!

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my roommate in college was a criminal justice major, do all the math you want... grin.gif

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I am just saying that we already pay way too much for these SCUMBAGS! If your on death row, then it time for you to go!!! Stop wasting my tax dollars and put these animals to death. They are all there for killing somebody, so an eye for an eye! You kill another human, then you die! But you cant tell me that it costs over a million dollars to execute someone! I just cant believe that! I wont either! It sounds like somebody blowing something out of proportion to justify the death pentilty(sp?), because they are against it!

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