Scott Peterson


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Re: Scott Peterson

Ok, I dont know if he did it or not but he never shoulda been prosecuted on what evidence the state had to offer.The guy was screwed before they even arrested him, the whole country thought he was guilty from all the publicity surrounding the case.Pretty much eliminates a non prejudiced jury right there.

As far as fleeing the country, I would have done the same thing, your looking at 2 counts of murder, the medias been broadcasting your face all over the air for months, the police havent made much effort to even chreck into another suspect.Wheres the insentive to stick around weather your guilty or not?Im not saying he was innocent but in my opinion the whole case was a joke from the begining.

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Re: Scott Peterson


As far as fleeing the country, I would have done the same thing, your looking at 2 counts of murder

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Oh! Thats a great statement to say! Hey when I kill my family Ill just leave the country! I believe if they had any other evindence they would have brought it up. But they didnt! Its over now, they found him guilty, now fry him! Besides I am just glad its over!!!


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Re: Scott Peterson

Beyond "reasonable" doubt, he is guilty.

Just because the only evidence they had was circumstantial, doesn't mean it should be discarded as not enough to go on. All the circumstantial evidence "reasonably" pointed to his guilt, not his innocents.

The evidence of him trying to flee the country wasn't even allowed as evidence before the jury.

I believe he is guilty, beyond a "reasonable" doubt, (key word here being reasonable)

I'm kind of surprised the defence didn't come up with whether he was an avid fisherman or not, to support the fact he was fishing where he was, when he was. It could have helped his case. I suspect, the reason it wasn't disgussed is because he isn't a fisherman at all. After-all, he did buy that boat and kept it a secret from his wife....duh confused.gif

There are a lot of things I can think of, that the defence could have come up with in his defence ....why didn't they...because it would have been proved false by the prosecution and they new it.

I was afraid he was going to get off due to "unreasonable" doubt, just like OJ did. wink.gif

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Re: Scott Peterson

Ok guys, I know you all seem to be "happy" about this but let's remember that other people visit this site, specifically maybe younger people and we are trying to keep a family friendly atmosphere, not one that shows extreme hatred for a person who obviously did something extremely wrong and against Biblical morals. I don't want to get anyone mad, but it is upsetting to me to see all these posts with symbols representing swear words and we need to remember the younger hunters on here. By the way, the picture from ebay I find quite disgusting.

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Re: Scott Peterson



As far as fleeing the country, I would have done the same thing, your looking at 2 counts of murder

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Oh! Thats a great statement to say! Hey when I kill my family Ill just leave the country! I believe if they had any other evindence they would have brought it up. But they didnt! Its over now, they found him guilty, now fry him! Besides I am just glad its over!!!


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The point was he wasnt gonna get a fair trial or an impartial jury anywhere in the country after the media coverage this case got.Why would you stay in the country when everyones already found you guilty before theyve even found a body?personally I wouldnt have enough faith in the judicial system after that much coverage to stick around and try to get a not guilty verdict, even if I was innocent.The media and police made him out to look guilty long before he ever tried to flee the country, hows that impartial?

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