Guest TheNumber1Young1

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Guest TheNumber1Young1

Ok, so this past saturday was the last day of hunting season in this part of VA. we killed 7 deer total which was pretty good. Well this guy killed a nice size doe, and it stunk i mean stunk really bad, not like anyother deer anyone has ever killed. So we started to skin it, and to our amazement it looked literally like it was rotting from the inside out, the meat was all brusied and brown and yellow. There was one thing besides the smell on the outside of the deer that was noticeable, from the hoof till about 7 inches up the leg was blackish not brown like the rest of the fur.......The guys just took the tenderloins bc that was the only thing that looked normal, the innerloins and the hind1/4 and the front shoulder was all that weird color......What could it be?we've never had anything happen like this near us,none of the older guys in our town knew what it was.

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Re: CWD?



I would say this is not CWD. I would say that this sounds more like a blood infection or maybe even GANGRENE from an injury like a car deer accident. frown.gif

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Would have to agree with this. Have someone check it out before eating that tenderloin.

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I would second that motion! Don't eat it!


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Re: CWD?


I would say this is not CWD. I would say that this sounds more like a blood infection or maybe even GANGRENE from an injury like a car deer accident. frown.gif

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I was thinking car accident as I was reading the thread also. I would not eat any of the meat he saved I just don't think it would be worth risking it.

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Guest finsnfur

Re: CWD?

That resembles nothing like the CWD deer I saw.

Actually we never knew it had CWD until it got tested.

The CWD deer looked and 'smelled' normal.

I can't believe you took anything from that deer.

I would not eat it either. NO WAY.

I agree with the others and think it got hit by a vehicle.

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Guest TheNumber1Young1

Re: CWD?

Yeah he shot it, he was the stand down from me, which made me check my deer twice and mine was fine but his wont, theres no way i can contact him now, i guess ill try and call around to a few club members to see if i can get ahold of em, thanks for all the advice guys.

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