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Tease: To arouse someone without satisfying that disire.........

Yep that happened to me today........The BIG TEASE!

I drove 7 hours to Missouri 3 times this year in hopes if finding this one paticular 9 pointer..

In those 3 trips I have hunted 13 days......

On average...... 6 hours a day of hunting......

Number of 9 pointers seen.......... 0

Number of 8 pointers seen ........0

In the moring I will hunt for about 3 to 4 hours.... 11am

Today.....Sun.... I had a choice.... Head back to IN. early or pay the price and hunt until sunset a get no sleep.....

I chose to rap it up early..... 9am....

At 10am I needed to go back to my stand..... forgot my ropes.....

Sure enough...... half way up my ladder in blue jeans and a white T-shirt.... There he stood........ 70 yrds. and walking staight to me .......

Maybe it was a dream......

I will find out in the morning lol.......unreal......

The first thing I did when I got home was grab my bow.....set up my target and hit the bullseye.......It sure felt good after thinking about it for 7 hours on the way home......

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Guest DropTineOutdoors

Re: TeaseTeaseTeaseTeaseTeaseTeaseTeaseTease!!!!!

Ouch, similar situation happened to me just a week ago and the worst part was that all the time was spent with a camera guy too! ........I feel your pain. It's all part of it though, ya gotta love it, Laugh it off and learn from it! Good Luck

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