We won!!!


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And I didn't get any new injuries,lol wink.gif We had an intramural basketball game last night, against a team that had never played b-ball before, and while we weren't all that hot, we still played alot better than the two previous games. We only had 5 people, compared to the other team's like 10 people, but everyone on my team scored at least once, my friend Angie I think had like 15 points, I had 10, and everyone else chipped in a few. The highlight of the game, this is what my teammates called it, was when I made a break down court and I hear my name. I turn just in time to get hit in the head with the ball, I grabbed the ball off the flour, take it down the court and make a lay up, now that was funny grin.gif We really had alot of fun in the game and the final score, in our favor for once, was 32-11 laugh.gif We play the jv soccer team on Thursday which should be a whole other game wink.gif

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