Deer & Deer Hunting Dec. 2005 issue (odd ad)


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I tend to read this magazine cover to cover 3 to 4 times and then even more. One of the better magazines to read. I noticed something in that ad for the heater suit where the guy is on stand and in that heater suit and he's partially out of it. Brenda Valentine wrote the story about it, its a one page ad.

What I noticed was odd and maybe its correct but doesn't that Mathews bow he's shooting look pretty short? I think the picture was shortened up some and it shrunk the bow down. I also noticed he has a A-way Hunting Bowgrunter plus grunt called hooked to his top limb, not sure on that but it works for him. Usually you hook that call to your lapel and put the tube down near your belt so you can call while shooting and pulling back.

So grab your magazines and tell me if that bow looks right or if it indeed got shrunk!

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