NY911Bowhunter Posted January 11, 2006 Report Share Posted January 11, 2006 Tis the season for a recruitment drive for the New York Bowhunters, Inc. We have been given a huge task by our President to sign up enough members to boost the ranks above 3000 members by the spring - something I need all of NY guys' help with! I am a County Level rep for NYB and work at various sports shows signing up members. We were told it would be in our best interest to come to the Rockland County Show in Febuary with a "pocketful of applications for new members"! This is where I need your help. I am asking any New Yorker (or anyone at all that wants to help support us!) to sign up for at least 1 year - it's $20! Pocketchange for all the good the NYB does. Remember last year's regulation proposals? NYB and it's members were at the forefront of the battle - and we able to derail the original plan! Please, reply here, PM me, go to www.newyorkbowhunters.com, whatever - just please sign up. But I am asking my brothers and sisters here to do more - I want you to sign up - AND sign up a friend! 2 memberships would be great! Thnaks Guys! A little about NYB; [ QUOTE ] WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN NEW YORK BOWHUNTERS? Your membership includes quarterly issues of Full Draw Magazine, the official publication of New York Bowhunters (NYB) delivered to your home, including free classified ads, informative reports, stories and photographs, annual pin, membership card, decal, discounts on Bowhunter Magazine and NRA membership. NYB protects your bow hunting rights & privileges from the anti hunters and the animal rights groups. NYB engages these groups, continually defending your bowhunting. Help us fight for you. Bowhunters enjoy a much longer season in many urban areas because of NYB’s hard and dedicated work. Bowhunters don't have to wear hunter orange while bow hunting, because of NYB efforts. As a Southern Zone Bowhunter, you don't have the intrusion of muzzleloaders, crossbows or other firearms during the archery-only season. Why, because of NYB. Your children and grand children will continue to enjoy an archery-only season. Why, because of NYB’s commitment to educating our youth. Bowhunters can continue to use deer management permits during the entire early archery-only seasons. NYB was instrumental in securing this privilege. Bowhunters can now fill unused special season or doe tags with bow and arrow during the late archery season. Why, because NYB spent years advocated for the privilege. Bowhunters have an organization that works closely with the DEC on chronic wasting disease and other important wildlife conservation issues here in NYS. Why, because it affects all bowhunters. By joining NYB, you can help us insure that you keep these bowhunting opportunities and privileges long into the future. NYB needs you to help us fight your fight. Join NYB and prevent the sport you love from being eroded. You can make a difference. Help yourself and the sport you love by joining NYB. Become part of the solution that preserves our bowhunting past, protects our bowhunting future and enhances opportunities afield for you and all of New York’s Bowhunters. “ENSURING YOUR RIGHT TO BOWHUNT TOMORROW” NEW YORK BOWHUNTERS Inc. NYB Factoids: NYB is part of the decision making process, playing a pivotal and critical role in the policies set forth by both the DEC and the state government in regard to bowhunting regulations and state laws. NYB assists physically challenged bowhunters to get back into the woods with bow and arrow, where they want to be, where they belong. NYB gets youth involved with SPIKES membership, youth camps, shoots, youth hunts, as well as Bowhunter Education and Certification. NYB continues to lobby and promote lowering the bowhunting age in NYS from 14 to 12 years of age. If you’re a Bowhunter and you live in New York, then you already are a New York Bowhunter. So why not join NYB, the organization ensuring your right to bow hunt in NYS? Whether you hunt private land, public land or even archery-only areas. If the Archery Season is shortened, taken away, or becomes usurped with other weapons, it affects you too. NYB defends bow seasons. Besides fighting to keep the archery-only season for archers using hand held bows, NYB was also instrumental in getting archery-only areas opened earlier (Westchester & Suffolk Counties), giving the Bowhunter more time in the woods. Throughout the bow season, you can take an antlerless deer without having to use your buck tag or having to purchase another tag. NYB was responsible for this change. Remember, it’s YOUR season that is at stake here. If you’re a serious Bowhunter, why not be part of the solution and join NYB? [/ QUOTE ] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted January 12, 2006 Report Share Posted January 12, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters I'm already on board Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NY911Bowhunter Posted January 12, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters Awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbucks Posted January 13, 2006 Report Share Posted January 13, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters it sounds like everybodys years were slow no matter where you were!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 15, 2006 Report Share Posted January 15, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters [ QUOTE ] Big deal...NY Bowhunters stopped crossbows and bowhunters lost two days of bowhunting. Great work. Besides that the organization has alienated half of the bowhunting population and almost all of the other hunters in the state with the organization's constant whining about crossbows. I along with several friends have ended our membership because of the constant whining about crossbows. [/ QUOTE ] It's a real shame to hear "bowhunters" bad-mouthing the only organization for bowhunter rights that we have in this state. Unfortunately, short-sighted individuals seem to want to zero in on single issues and completely ignore all the other benefits that can be derived from having a strong pro-archery voice available to work on our behalf. It's kind of the "cutting off your nose to spite your face" syndrome. You will never have an organization that you can agree with on 100% of their stances. The intelligent individual will join these organizations and try to work from within to shape policies that they want. Others just rant and rave about the one policy that they don't agree with and withdraw, becoming useful to absolutely no one. Also, instead of ranting about the weekend that we lost, how about giving credit for the complete week that we didn't lose to muzzleloaders? And in terms of alienating bowhunters, I just flat don't believe that at all. To that bogus claim, I can only say ...... PROVE IT! Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Posted January 15, 2006 Report Share Posted January 15, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters im signed up! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NY911Bowhunter Posted January 15, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 15, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters Thanks Shawn, welcome! Thanks again, as usual Doc - well put. JPP - We'd love to have you guys back! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted January 16, 2006 Report Share Posted January 16, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters Everyones entitled to their opinion here...this is what the BB is for. But, IMHO, I feel that crossguns have NO place in the bow season. They can be easily mastered, less than 20 shots will have you shooting bulls eyes, not like a compound/recurve or longbow. The draw weight does not have to be held. I have always maintained that I will support anyones right to hunt any way they want as long as its legal, and I still do. As hunters we must support other hunters, regardless of hunting implements. BUT....I do not feel that Crossguns should be grouped with the archery season. Put it with the gun season. It is not a bow. Bow hunters have the hardest time of any hunters trying to get close to game, the crossgun removes all of that and extends your range and super steadys your shot with the use of a stock. Now your gonna tell me crossguns and bows are the same? They don't even shoot arrows, they shoot bolts! NYB sucessfully fought off NY archers losing more time afield this past season. Don't think for one moment that getting crossguns approved is not about generating revenue for DEC and crossgun manufacturers who are lobbying BIG TIME for crossgun approval. Quote from Full Draw magazine... Data from an Ohio and Arkansas croosgun study list a crossover ratio of 32-37%(gun hunters crossing over to bowhunt), with no new hunters recruited to hunt with the crossgun. So given the fact that we have 600,000 firearms hunters in NYS, with a crossover ratio of 35%, there is a possibility of an increase of 210,000 crossover crossgun hunters into the NYS early archery season. end quote. If a crossgun means more hunters in the mix, thenm I'm all for it. But if DEC tries to take away or mix the current archery season with a crossgun season, then I am ALL against it. Thats why I joined NY Bowhunters. I'm am behind NY BOWHUNTERS and their missions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 16, 2006 Report Share Posted January 16, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters Every organization has a certain number of bad apples in their ranks. Also, I have never belonged to an organization that didn't have some stances that I disagreed with. It seems to me that if you had been a member of NYB at the time, you could have brought this alleged bad behavior to someone's attention and perhaps got it stopped. If these incidents really happened as you describe them, I'm sure that this is not something that would be condoned by NYB officials or even the majority of its members. However, being on the outside, you really have no opportunity to fix any of the problems do you? If you are a serious bowhunter, you should recognize the fact that this is the only organization working to preserve your bowhunting opportunities, if that's of any importance to you. I know it's a lot easier to generalize about an entire organization, but if bowhunting means anything to you at all, you should realize that being organized is the only way that bowhunting can be preserved these days. Unless crossbow use is so important to you that you would risk the demise of bowhunting, I would suggest that you would better serve your hunting interests by being a member of NYB and working from within to change those areas that you disagree with. Otherwise you are just wasting all your strong feelings and emotions ranting to nobody, and accomplishing absolutely nothing. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 16, 2006 Report Share Posted January 16, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters Actually, I don't really care what your position is on crossbows. That is an entirely different debate that I don't care to get into right now. I am merely pointing out that it is quite a narrow viewpoint that picks out one minor item of contention and ignores all the benefits of having a strong bowhunting advocate working for us. Now, keep in mind, my viewpoint is that of a bowhunter, and this is what makes sense to me. If, however, you have some other agenda, then I could understand your attempts to undermine this kind of an organization. As far as your allegations go, they are exactly that .... allegations. I don't personally know you, but anyone can come on here and make any kind of accusations that they want. I certainly wouldn't base any opinions on unsubstantiated stories of that type. Especially someone with an obvious anti NYB bias. So, if I sound a bit skeptical, please understand that the internet is filled with all kinds of people with all kinds of agendas, and accusations coming along side of an obvious hatred of our only state bowhunting organization could be factual or otherwise and fueled by all kinds of agendas that have nothing to do with the welfare of bowhunting. So, I reserve judgement about the incidents that you are describing until I hear some corroboration. If you think about it, I'm sure you don't take every claim made on these forums as being gospel either. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VtBowhunter Posted January 16, 2006 Report Share Posted January 16, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters [ QUOTE ] I feel that crossguns have NO place in the bow season. They can be easily mastered, less than 20 shots will have you shooting bulls eyes, not like a compound/recurve or longbow. [/ QUOTE ] I'm here to tell you that I can take 10 shots with a longbow or recurve and be right on, and I can take a Compound out and sight it in in less then 20 shots. I think a lot of folks forget the disabled bowhunters are sometimes forced to give up a bow and use crossbows. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NY911Bowhunter Posted January 17, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 17, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters When I posted this, I was anticipating this sort of hijack - the crossbow thing - and the accompanying NYB bashing - I hoped it would not happen, but it ALWAYS does. We expect that, and are stong enough to shoulder it. Thats fine - everyone is entitled to their opinions, especially if it stems from past practice. JPP - I am sorry you were subjected to such shenanigans - It never ceases to amaze me how some people can act in public - let alone when they are representing an organization. That is NOT the NYB I belong to - my kind of guys are stewards for the sport, and protect it like the jewel it is, we pass it on, to new and young members - hence the stong opposition to the crossbow. I understand why some people are turned off by this, but that is the way it is now. You can't change the organization from the outside. Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted January 17, 2006 Report Share Posted January 17, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters No way did I ever imply to leave out disabled hunters, who are, BTW able to use a Crossgun LEGALLY here in NY with the proper documentation. As far as mastering the crossgun, maybe some can pick up a bow/crossgun and be a master very fast. The inexperienced can master a crossgun REAL fast, the bow needs form and practice. Crossgun scopes have multiple crosshairs with a stock that is much steadier to aim than a bow at full draw. Anything that brings more hunters into the ranks I am all for, just the placement of the season is what I have a problem with. You know what else ??? The NRA is a one issue organization and I belong to them and will continue to belong to whatever organization supports what I believe in. Isn't America a great country? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VtBowhunter Posted January 17, 2006 Report Share Posted January 17, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters NY911Bowhunter, I applaud you for atleast being out there and trying to make a difference. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NY911Bowhunter Posted January 17, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 17, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters and I thank you for letting this topic stay open! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 17, 2006 Report Share Posted January 17, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters [ QUOTE ] I was stating reasons I and other friends quit the organization. One of them being that NY BOWHUNTERS SEEMS TO BE A ONE ISSUE ORGANIZATION!!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] If you think that crossbows are the only issue on the NYB plate, I guess you must have slept through the muzzleloader fiasco and season changes proposals this past year. It seems that while you were a member, you really didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the goals and purposes of that organization or there is no way that you could make that statement. [ QUOTE ] Like I said, if you choose to think I am fabricating "Allegations" feel free [/ QUOTE ] I never said that you are fabricating anything. The fact is that I really don't know, and that's exactly what I said. Whenever I read slander aimed toward any organization or individual, to me it stays in the allegation category until it is substantiated by someone impartial with no axe to grind. To me that seems like a prudent and sensible way to view such statements. It certainly would be stupid to say, "well golly, somebody on the internet said it, so it must be true". Do you take every statement on the internet as being absolutely factual? I doubt it. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted January 17, 2006 Report Share Posted January 17, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters Dan, I wonder what Norm Sauceman's stance would be on this topic? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 17, 2006 Report Share Posted January 17, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters [ QUOTE ] Doc, I wasn't sleeping, I was creating allegations to undermine an organization. Remember??? [/ QUOTE ] If you say so. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NY911Bowhunter Posted January 18, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 18, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters I think we already know. An organization cannot appease all - like I said - you cant change it from the outside. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest shtr Posted January 18, 2006 Report Share Posted January 18, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters adjam5 wrote "No way did I ever imply to leave out disabled hunters, who are, BTW able to use a Crossgun LEGALLY here in NY with the proper documentation". " That is a pretty poor description of disabled that NY gives. "Must be used with the aid of a breath tube" I was a signer on the original proposed law change to allow crossbows in NY for the disabled. It came about from the desire of a bowhunter who was disabled and confined to a wheel chair,without use of hands or feet due to paralises. The law covers only people like him and thats a bunch of none sence!. People with disabilitys who can still move thier arms cannot use a crossbow in NY. The restrictions are so limiting that I have never seen the case where a person could qualify who was not dead from the neck down. So , in other words....there is no one hunting with a crossbow in NY anymore since this original member of the Ty Yogi Bowmen of Hyde Park NY stoped. Now.... more to the point I remember the '70's when the same argument was made against the compound and everyone sounded just like the compound shooters today. It's laughable!...you guys who are just fresh into this sport in the last 20 years (or so) make me shake my head with all your pompus talk about what you think you know. Well anyway.....you all got your way so I guess thats what counts.....right?! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BuckNrut Posted January 18, 2006 Report Share Posted January 18, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters I've just "upgraded" form a 30% let-off bow to a 75% let-off bow. Comparing the two it feels like I'm holding a cross bow (now), so I guess that makes me pro cross bow. This however, will not effect my decision on whether to join NYB. Welcome back Dan. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NY911Bowhunter Posted January 18, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 18, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters You got a new bow Art?? Whaddja git? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted January 19, 2006 Report Share Posted January 19, 2006 Re: NY Bowhunters I don't make the laws. I just follow them. I'd LOVE to see more disabled people in the woods, using whatever means possible, but I'm not the person YOU need to convince. If you knew ANYTHING about NY Bowhunters, you'd know of how much they do for disabled hunters and youths. But you know that already...right? NY Bowhunters is opposed to the crossgun season placed in the archery season. If you read my post CORRECTLY, I have no opposition to the crossgun, just the placing of it in the archery season. CAPEESH? If you want less crossgun restrictions, lobby your assemblyman or congressman, don't blame me for the limitations that were set on what makes one eligible to to currently use a crossgun to hunt with. You support whatever group or organization you believe in and I'll do the same. Is this a great country or what? Well I guess shtr you know all there is to know. You even know what EVERYONE else knows.... WOW!!! Washington needs people like you! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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