Tiger V. Lion


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Re: Tiger V. Lion


I would put my money on me with my .375 H&H Magnum.

Although I wouldn't kill either, think of how cool it would be to have a lion or bengal tiger rug on your floor! That would be priceless.


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That would be cool....

Why, might I ask, would you never kill either?????

OH yeah the LION would win....

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Re: Tiger V. Lion

Any feline will fight back ferociously when cornered.

As for whos going to win this battle, remember the Siberian is the largest cat species in the world, beating the lion out for size. But when it comes down to territorial fighting (because this is the only reason they would fight, even if you put them in the same cage), I would definately have to go with the lion for winning.

Lions are pride members and therefor have a more dominant drive to protect or kill, where as tigers are single hunters, only encountering eachother when their territories overlap.

The lion would definately be vicious enough to take down the tiger. I've seen many clips of lions fighting eachother, or killing hyenas (main competitor), they are extremely brutal.

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Guest Huntin_Cop

Re: Tiger V. Lion

Actually the tiger is the larger of the two, weighing over 700 lbs; where the lion only weighs as much as 500 lbs. The lion only appears larger bacause of his mane (male only). And the lion being the "king of the jungle" is a misconception, they live on the open plaines of Africa where even a hyena can chase of a lion. The tiger is the true "King of the Jungle" living in the thick forests of Asia. I'm goin with the Tiger. cool.gif

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