Just Wondering Do You Guys Have.....

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Your trail cameras out yet?

5 days before the season ended here Jan 2nd, I saw the biggest buck I've seen all year up until that point. I was climbing down from my tripod when a big 8 or 10 point walked into my food plot about 120 yards away. Legal shooting time was over & all I could do was glass him through my binos for a few moments then slip out undetected which I did. I hunted hard the next 4 days but he never showed again because the weather was crap. Highs were in the 70s with 15-20 mph winds.

So................ I got 3 trail cameras set up all around my plot. These are well used trails & on 1 particular trail about 50 yards in the woods I found 2 small rubs & 2 big rubs within a 15 yard radius with an old scrape in the middle of the 4 rubs. Its a classic deer crossing. If I get him on camera I'll post the pics. You guys share yours to if you get any.

The season is over but I'm guess I'm a junkie I still feel like I'm hunting.

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Re: Just Wondering Do You Guys Have.....

Well I just put one more out & I refreshened a scrape where a major trail runs across. I checked my other cameras today & 1 already has 8 photos on it.

Like I said if I get some pics of some good deer I'll post them, you guys should do the same.

I wish I could leave my cameras out year round but with so many people tresspassing its not a wise thing to do. crazy.gif

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Re: Just Wondering Do You Guys Have.....

Mine are still out. I will take them out after the season for about 2 months and them get them back out when I can see something on the deers head. I have two more weekends to go. One with rifle and then black powder. I have not been getting very many pictures lately. We had a bad year with the hurricanes and trying to get everything back to normal. The timber people came in during the first 4 weeks of the season to cut all the trees that fell from the hurricanes. Sence this time I have not been getting many pictures. I did kill a good 8 point last sunday and hope the deer are coming back now for the last two weeks. grin.gif

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