World record Elk


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Re: World record Elk

what an awesome elk!!! Being as how I'm a packer fan, it makes this even better.

Man, I thought Chuck Adams' 2003 Elk surpased his 2000 elk. I think they green scored it in the 423" range?? But when I look at the top ten list posted in the above link... it says his 2003 elk is down to 399"... wonder what happened there. Can you imagine having two elk in the top ten?

I like that top ten list, all them elk where shot in the last 16 years!

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Re: World record Elk

Not taking anything away from this guy. But, I would like to know who, guided him, scouted for him and helped him get into position. If he was on a fully guided trip, then the guide deserves most of the credit. if he got this elk on his own, I will give him all the credit in the world.

The reason why I am talking like this. Chuck Adams guides himself? right? If this is true, I look at Chuck Adams as still having the record.

Just some thoughts!!!!


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Guest tyshe17

Re: World record Elk

very true rossman...if this was a guided hunt this guy was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. It has been said many times that luck is when preparation and opportunity meet, but if this was the guided hunt, the guide would have done most of the preparation.

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Re: World record Elk

Guide Or Not.

When that Monarch Came In, this Guy Didn't Choke!!!

You Can Put a Person on an Animal.

But When it's time to pull the Trigger,

Your the Only One Who Knows!

Sure Mention The Guide,

But Records are for Breaking.

Give this Guy His Due...

Nice thoughts on Chuck,

But thats not how it's going to Read in the Record Book!



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Re: World record Elk


Guide Or Not.

When that Monarch Came In, this Guy Didn't Choke!!!

You Can Put a Person on an Animal.

But When it's time to pull the Trigger,

Your the Only One Who Knows!

Sure Mention The Guide,

But Records are for Breaking.

Give this Guy His Due...

Nice thoughts on Chuck,

But thats not how it's going to Read in the Record Book!



[/ QUOTE ]

It's one thing to get nervous and have the voice in your head try and calm you down, but it's totally different when the "guide" next to you is telling you to calm down. All you have to do is make a shot. Everything else is done for you!!!!!!!


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Re: World record Elk

Hey rossman, try reading the article as posted on, of which there is a link here before commenting. I REREAD it to VERIFY that Mr Patterson DOES IN FACT mention a guide, and does give credit where credit is do. But alas, it was Mr patterson who loosed an arrow from HIS BOW that took this magnificent animal, and not the guides.

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Re: World record Elk


Hey rossman, try reading the article as posted on, of which there is a link here before commenting. I REREAD it to VERIFY that Mr Patterson DOES IN FACT mention a guide, and does give credit where credit is do. But alas, it was Mr patterson who loosed an arrow from HIS BOW that took this magnificent animal, and not the guides.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did I strike a nerve? It is good that the guide is mentioned, because he should be!!!! If it was not for the guide he would not have had the opportunity!!!!! In the hunting world the opportunity needs to present itself before you or I can take a shot. The guide did most of the work.

What impress's me is, when someone like chuck adams goes out on state land and kills his own bull without a guide holding his hand. That's impressive!!!! He who does his own scouting, bugling, stalking and then takes his own shot, is an impressive hunter.


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Re: World record Elk

Not raelly strike a nerve, but it appears that some folk ALWAYS find the negative side of things, instead of the positive........But it sure appeared that you didn't read the whole story concerning this elk. it also stated that he drew a tag AFTER WAITING for 12 yrs......

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Re: World record Elk

Guide or not, he still made the shot! Lets face it, this is the world we live in. To make a decent living and still have time to go and scout and and do all that is required to take a trophy animal, not everybody has the time to do that. I do not begrudge a guy who pays a guide to help him with the things he doesn't have time to do on his own.

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Re: World record Elk

A. just voicing my opinion.

B. just voicing my opinion.

3. just voicing my opinion.

How did I take it to the next level, by questioning who and how he got this bull? I guess my point is, just because you take the shot does not mean you should be the only name in the book. An asteriks or something like this. John Doe guided by John Deer.

Just my opinion, that's it!!!! Either way it is a super bull, and I am dancing around my chair knowing that the record has fallen. It's just more credible to me when you earn an animal all by yourself!!!!!

Like Chuck Adams does.


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Guest BrianGameTracker

Re: World record Elk

I believe Chuck Adams did guide his own elk hunts when he took the last two monster bulls. I have not seen or read anything about this record kill. Great looking bull.

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Guest logcabin51

Re: World record Elk

A couple years ago I met a guy that guided in Montana,and he said never again.He spent 3 days and nights on a mountain watching a 400 inch bull.All he had was his sleeping bag and dried fruit. The client showed up,not having to do any of the work,shot the bull across the canyon and sent the guide to go get it and met him back at camp.There was several more hunts like that ,that soured him on doing the work and not getting any credit.Yes if you got the money it will do wonders.So how many big animals are shot with a guide doing all the work?Yes the guy still has to make the shot,but thats just alot of practice put to use.

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