How did you pick your Screen Name...

Guest finsnfur

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Guest finsnfur

, does it mean anything special, and do you use it only here or on other sites too?

I am finsnfur. smile.gif

I fish and hunt for fur bearing animals. I fish for fish and hunt for the fur bearing animals in case anyone thought i fished for fur bearing animals too laugh.giflaugh.gif

I use it all over the internet. grin.gif

On fishing sites I get the gears for it, but I haven't gotten any here yet. confused.gif

There are some of you out there that I can not even come up with an idea of what your name means. confused.gif

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Re: How did you pick your Screen Name...

I read the forums for quite a spell before I decided to join.

It seemed as though most of the members were just young people who needed an old guy to kick around.

I am ....popgun on other hunting forums unless the name is already taken.

Two of the Motorcycle forums I am on I go by the name papawheelie.

papawheelie just don't sound right on a hunting forum.


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Guest buddy ahart

Re: How did you pick your Screen Name...

My real name is Justin and to kids at school thats what they call me but to people who know me well outside of school and all of my hunting buddies they just call me Buddy beacuse i get along with most anyone and ahart is my last name its pronoced like it sounds like a heart

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Guest Huntin_Cop

Re: How did you pick your Screen Name...

I used to have the nickname "spike" because of my spiked-up hair when I was in grade school, that name wore off over the years but when I registered here I figure I'd bring it back out. But the name "Spike" was already taken, so I just added the -2.

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