How did you pick your Screen Name...

Guest finsnfur

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Re: How did you pick your Screen Name...

When I was younger, I worked for a guy who used to call me Old Billygoat, or ole goat, or hey goat... well you get the idea. To this day, when he see's me, he still calls me Billygoat. (first name is bill). So I guess it has just stuck, and makes for a decent screen name

Besides that, it gives buckee another photoshop opportunity!

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Re: How did you pick your Screen Name...

When my wife and i bought our first pc, we were setting up an email account. We were looking for something that didn't have out name in it. At the time, she collected "Cherished Teddies", and i was collecting Nascar diecast. We took her teddies, and my diecast and morphed it into Tedicast. We both use that name no matter where we go on the web now.

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Re: How did you pick your Screen Name...

Mine has two reasons and they both stuck me with Puffy. My nephews were responsable for calling me Uncle Puffy because Jeffrey was too hard to say with two missing front teeth. The other is from my sisters boys who thought my biceps were puffy. Henceforth I was Uncle Puffy and my glass business also has this title.

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Re: How did you pick your Screen Name...

VT= Abrev. for "Vermont" which is my home state.

Bowman= me since I love to shoot bows and are of male gender. wink.gif

However, since turning trad only the V=Vermont and the T=Traditional now. smirk.gifgrin.gifLOL

I use this user name on every forum board I am a member of, on Ebay I am "vtbowman0" (zero). LOL

Someone had it already when I sighed up.... mad.gif

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