All About Whitetails

Guest DropTineOutdoors

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Guest DropTineOutdoors

My purpose of this topic is to strike up conversation on anything that has to do with whitetails. Any questions you may have or topics you wish to talk about, speak up and lets learn together!

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Guest DropTineOutdoors

Re: All About Whitetails

1st topic I would like to bring up. Lets hear your ideas on human urine around your deer stand. I have heard both sides of the coin on this one. Some people will not go into their stands without "the pee bottle" or will hold it for hours until they are far from the deer woods before going. Others say it doesn't effect them at all, that whitetails cant tell the difference between animal urine & human urine. What are the facts and how have you proven this!

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Re: All About Whitetails

For years, our hunting party members would wait until they got out of the woods to go......all but Bob. Bob would just go from his stand. At night he'ld come into camp laughing about the latest deer to come under his stand and sniff around. Bob's in his 60's, so we just laughed and told him it must be his meds. coming out in his urine, and the deer were like junkies lookin for a fix. After about 4 years of this, I started to test things out myself, and I'll be darned if deer didn't walk right to the spot and stand there sniff the ground......a few even licked it the leaves. Now this all happened in West Virginia, so I thought maybe they have strange deer, but it's just as effective here in Vermont.

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Guest PAWhitetailhunter19

Re: All About Whitetails

I cant imagine urine having an affect on a deer at all being as deers urinary system is similar to a humans. Other than water, both deer and human urine is filled with amonium and other various unwanted materials. If anything i would belive that their might be some truth to using human urine as an aid to lure in a rutting buck. the smell of human urine to a deer probably smells just like another deer.

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Re: All About Whitetails


...Others say it doesn't effect them at all, that whitetails cant tell the difference between animal urine & human urine. What are the facts and how have you proven this!

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I have proven that deer are not scared of human urine. I proved this to myself by urinating in a scrape that was near one of my treestands as I left for the night. This was done without snow in the early season and with snow in the late season.

In Bow season...I would go in the scrape and then cover it with leaves...come back the next morning and with a flashlight find that the scrape had been "Worked" and the ground bare!!!

I used to be one of "Bottle toters" and really believed that made such a difference before.

I'm a firm believer that they can not tell Human urine from any other...but they can tell Male from Female urine. IMO...I was challenger to someones rule.

Proof of my theory happened when my wife tried the same thing. I showed her where my treestand was so in case of an emergency she would know where I was hunting. Nature called for her and she had to go so I asked her to go in the scrape. Nothing changed from that afternoon to the next morning when I arrived for the morning hunt.

Two days later I was back in that stand again for an afternoon hunt and "Freshened" the scrape again as I was leaving. I arrived back there the next morning the ground was clean!!!

The clear proof to me was in later part of December.

During what some people call the Second Rut in December around here theres snow on the ground. I knew where the scrape was and tried my "Freshening Technique" again as I left the stand at night. The next morning, after 10"-12" of snow that night, I found the ground bare again and deer tracks in the scrape.

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Re: All About Whitetails

I've posted about this in the past, and yep, I've used it.

Long time ago there was this guy in michigan and he had his own show. he called it Michigan Outdoors. the guy's name was Fred Trost. it was a good show until he took on Buckstop scent company. he challenged that their doe urine was'nt real and it didn't work as promised. he ended up in court, and long story short, he lost, and i haven't heard of him since.

anyway, during his "proof phase" of debunking doe scents he set up a blind and about 30 yards away from the blind he dumped a bottle of Aqua Velva, then took a couple of steps dumped a bottle of ammonia, then took a couple steps and dumped a bottle of buckstop scent, and on the final dumping he dumped a bottle of his cameraman's own pee. then he filmed a bunch of deer coming into the various piles of scent.

what blew me away was that the most visited scent dump was the human urine! . even stranger was the fact that a fair amount of deer went over to the aqua velva aftershave. . the second most visited scent dump was the ammonia.

anyway, it convinced me to bottle my own pee and use it. the first time i used it i had a doe and fawn walk right up to it, sniff it, and walk right under me. then about 10 minutes later a little 9pt buck walked up to the post i dumped it on and he actually started licking the fence post! God as my witness! i couldn't believe it. i've used "slightly aged" urine ever since off and on. i don't collect it if i've had garlic or coffee or something like that, but yeah gross as it sounds, i use it.

if you know anything about chemistry, (which i do not ) you know that all urine has uric acid in it and that breaks down into ammonia over time. ever empty a cat's litter box? smells like ammonia doesn't it? i've never used straight ammonia, but i'm tempted to someday.

if you're thinking of using your own pee, try it. i would suggest you age it a couple days first to get a bit of an ammonia scent to it though.

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Guest buddy ahart

Re: All About Whitetails

Ive tried urinating in a scrape this past season and it was fresh and the ground was ripped up every time i would go to my stand. About 2 weeks into the season on an afternoon hunt i urinated in the scrape and that evening i shot a very nice sized doe. She came rite to the scrape and to a big whiff then turned and gave me a great broadside shot. So from now on im not afraid to let er rip out of my treestand.

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Re: All About Whitetails



Nature called for her and she had to go so I asked her to go in the scrape.

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LMBO!!! That is one deicated wife! Maybe Ill need to ask my wife to bottle it for me! I go right out of the stand!


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If you think I'm bad...LOL

You dont know a guy I knew in Florida...he "Gathered" used monthly female hygene items from his bathroom wastebasket, refridgerated them, and used them as Buck Lures blush.gif

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Guest DropTineOutdoors

Re: All About Whitetails

Thank you guys & girls. I think that was a good topic. It seems that most of us follow the same routine and it has had no negative effect what so ever on these whitetails!

For the next topic:

Please explain to me as best you can on how a high or low pressure sytem can effect deer movement. I have of course seen it effect the animals, but I do not know the technical or biological way to explain it to another hunter! Your most detailed explanation of this and perhaps an experience you may have had would be excellent.......Thanks

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