Married People: what keeps the....


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Re: Married People: what keeps the....

I'll be married 2 years in March and just had our first baby in October. It has been tough to break my wife of her independence - she is a city girl and we are both in our 30's. She likes to have things her way.

Respect, Friendship, and Family. I love her family very much and it has benefitted our relationship. I would never do anything to her that would hurt her because I respect her and her family too much.

There was a movie called "In Good Company" where they addressed what makes a happy marriage. The answer was this:

Pick a good person to be in the foxhole with and when you're out of the foxhole, keep your @#$% in your pants.

That pretty much sums it up.

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Re: Married People: what keeps the....



Guy' is my two cents of wisdom...

Put Christ first, front and center...

evrything else will fall into place

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Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

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WOW!!! Getting an "AMEN" from Jim, aint that kinda like a blessing right there??? Thanks Jim

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Re: Married People: what keeps the....

Listen. I mean really really listen. Look her in the eyes and give her more than a grunt or a passive ok. Find her chairs. It may be her quilt or vegetables or whatever you want to call it but find whatever it is about her that lets her know that you'd be there for her whether she's happy or sad or so mad at you that she wants to strangle you. Just find what gets to her heart and protect it and do whatever you can to let her know it's safe with you 'til the day you die. Find what she's passionate about and feed that passion every day.

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