nikon 3-9x40 prostaff sc


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Re: nikon 3-9x40 prostaff sc

I've got 2 pro-staf scopes and am very impressed with them. You can get a scope that will vastly outperform them, but you'll pay at least 2 times as much or more? The light gathering is much better than any other scope I can afford.

Get one you won't be disappointed.

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Re: nikon 3-9x40 prostaff sc

We have the Nikon pro staff scopes on our muzzleloaders and I just bought the pro staff 3-9x40 for my son's new remington 30-06.They're good scopes for what they cost but I've since been checking out the Burris fullfield II's and I think the Burris might be a little clearer.

I've seen new Burris Fullfield II's 3-9x40 on ebay with a buy-it-now for $159,I paid $149 plus tax at bass pro for the pro staff.

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Re: nikon 3-9x40 prostaff sc

the prostaff's are a good scope but for the little bit more money you would pay buy the buckmaster and it will make you happier than the prostaff. in lowlight the buckmaster will keep you out there longer. you will be able to take that last second shot a little later than witht he prostaff. if your budget can't go for the buckmaster you will love the prostaff. i have one of them for my small bore play rifle and they are really clear from say that morning shot say half an hour after daylight to just before the sun sneaking over the the trees

both i know will make you happy

rob k

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