My Remembrance Day Big Typical Muley


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Remembrance Day I got a Big 'Un. I was hoping for a big trashy nontypical, but its hard to pass up a Big Typical with deep forks when he's staring at ya at 20 yards. grin.gif Too think it was the first day of my holidays too. grin.gifgrin.gif








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Re: My Remembrance Day Big Typical Muley

nice mule congrats!! super front forks on the bugger!! Just to bad he didnot fill out on the rear forks and got a bit more mass, if so you would of had your 200" like you were talkin about!! Score does not matter much to me its the hunt that matters and it looks like a awsoem place to hunt, congrats on a nice deer!!

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Re: My Remembrance Day Big Typical Muley


Looking forward to seeing the pics of superguide jr's buck.

This hunt was one of the easiest I've had over the last few years. Glassed a bigger buck with lots more mass and deeper forks chasing does. Canoe'd across the river and started the stalk. The buck was out of our sight for aprox 30 mins. When we got to a place where we could see him again, it was feeding. I had my suspicions it was a different buck. We got to within a 100 yards but there was too much brush in the way for a shot. The buck, along with about 5 other deer all fed up onto a flat and out of view. We had no wind so we thought that we would stalk right up, peek over the lip and be right on the buck. No such luck. When got up to the flat, no deer were in view. My buddies and I split up to push the brush and see if we could bump the deer into each other. It wasn't 5 mins later I bumped up a doe right under my feet. Then the buck busted up and started running. I gave a whistle and the buck stopped and looked at me. I saw his deep forks, hummed and hawed, and then pulled the trigger. One shot from my 300 Win Mag dropped him like a ton of bricks.

He tapes out at 178 and nets out 170 and some change.

I also had a doe draw and I dropped a small doe yesterday. I passed up several bigger does because I was wanting some good table fare. I guess now I'll have to chase some of those darn whiteys for the rest of the week. smile.gif

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Re: My Remembrance Day Big Typical Muley

After hunting up within 20 yards of a buck like that, the only way I would pass him up is if I didn't have a muley tag! I was going to guess that he would gross around 180. I guess if he grew matching brow tines (can't tell if the right brow tine is busted off or just stumpy), he would have hit the 180 mark.

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