243 for deer

Guest bowtech11

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Re: 243 for deer

My brother used a .243 this year with 100 gr. bullets. Seemed to work ok. He took 2 deer both with 1 shot each. I did notice that there wasn't much blood around and there was no exit hole on either deer. I tend to like a little more meat to my guns, but thats just my opinion. I do know the .243 will take deer with little trouble, but don' t try larger game.


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Re: 243 for deer

I took a blacktail and two hogs this year with my .243. The deer ran 10 yards and the hogs dropped in their tracks.

I reload and opted for the 85 Gr. Barnes Triple Shock. I have found, also recommended by Barnes, that it is actually better to drop the weight of the bullet from the standard when using X-bullets. Example: If you normally use 100 or 95 Gr., try 85 instead. H380 and IMR4320 like this bullet. I have been reloading for about 12 years and ran the gambit on bullets. I really like Barnes for accuracy and bullet durability.

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Re: 243 for deer

i've got several friends who hunt with nothing else but a 243 and they knock them down quick and have had great success and they have all said they have gotten real good blood trails.

i liked the idea so much i built me one with a friend of mine and will use next year for deer. my 308 will be for big game and my 143 for everything else from varmits to black bear

rob k

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Re: 243 for deer


I have killed a slew of whitetails with a .243 and 100gr core lokts from Remington.

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I agree, like the .243. My dad has a bolt action Mossberg. It is a really nice gun. Killed my first deer with it. Seems to kill clean, but shot placement is a must as they don't seem to bleed much, and there is no exit wound. Questionable shots will make you a better tracker.

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