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Been watching a dandy buck for the last three nights.He with anywhere from 12 to 15 does and they move pretty early, one day he was out feeding in the field at 3:30 when I got there.Only prolem was i was hunting some public ground and hes staying in a private grove about 1/2 mile away.In between there a bean field and corn field with a wodded fenceline between them.When he comes outta the grove he makes a beeline for the fence which I suppose offers him a little cover.So I spent the entire day calling people and driving around looking for the guy who owns it.he was out plowing his fields which he has a bunch of.Long story made short I finallly caught up to him asked him if I could bowhunt, he asked me how long Id be in there.told him I wasnt sure.He told me to go ahead, just stay out of it during the gun season next month grin.gif

Then he told me hes been watching the same buck the last two nights while plowing, told me it goes into the fenceline in the same spot every night and where to hang my stand.Then he told me I could hunt any of his places I want except for during shotgun season and gave me directions to some I didnt even know he owned grin.gif

So not only did I get in for a crack at that buck but picked a couple thousand acres of new hunting ground in the process grin.gifGot my stand hung this afternoon, wind was wrong for it so Im hoping to hunt it tommorrow.

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