A correct cluck?

Guest TheDanishDanger

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Guest TheDanishDanger

Hey I'm working on learning how to do a "cluck" and then a double cluck but are there certain things you have to do to obtain the correct sound of one? Anything that has to be said into the call to produce the sound? Any knowledge would really help. thanks!

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Re: A correct cluck?


scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see a few sound files of different goose calls--including the double cluck.

Here are some intructions from Primos on how to do clucks and double clucks.


I use a double reed goose call and actually a cluck is just an extremely short honk. You want to force air from your belly to break the call over immediately. It might be so fast you don't actually hear the low note--which is fine. When I do the double cluck I make a very short single cluck then lower my jaw to make the next cluck for the double. With a little practice it is easy to do. Best way is to find someone to show you. I actually don't really use a word to make it.

good luck


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