**Happy Birthday TreeStandBowHunter


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Re: **Happy Birthday TreeStandBowHunter

Thanks everybody. Something told me this morning that I would have a thread in here grin.gif You all are awsome. I don't get this many "Happy Birthdays" at my house grin.gif


Hope you have gotten over that cold!

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I'll tell you what man, that was the worse cold I ever had. I didn't know what the heck I got nor who I got it from but I don't want it again crazy.gif I can usually still function with a cold but that cold there halted my operation for about a week and a half grin.gif Talk about a big baby during that time grin.gif

Thanks again everybody. 31 isin't that bad. I only feel my age when I have a cold like the one I had grin.gif otherwise, I usually feel about maybe give or take 24 cool.gif

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