Question for pop-up blind users.


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For those that have experience with pop-up blinds. Do you find that you can put them up the day you hunt without it spooking deer, or do they have to be up for a couple of days for the local herd to get used to them? I have 2 different spots where they would be handy, but they are 2 1/2 hours from home, so putting them up ahead of time is unpractical. From what i can gather seeing them used on hunting shows, deer pretty much ignore them even when they werre just put up. What is everyones experience? Thanks in advance! grin.gif

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Re: Question for pop-up blind users.

I have used them only for years, bith options work, in my regular spot I put them up about a month in advance so the deer get use to it, by that time they walk within 6 inches of it and do not even give it a second thought.

I have also put them up in a few hours when finding a good spot as long as you have a good back drop etc and it does not stick out like a sore thumb say in the middle of an open field, no problem there either they walk right to it.


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Re: Question for pop-up blind users.

Bear hunting, I have put double bull archery blinds up as I brought (Crazy guys who wanted to shoot a bear off the ground) guys in, I always put a big log in front of the blind to slow up a bear who chooses that particular route as it's exit point....however, I have not seen too much of a problem with the blind coming in on the same day we are hunting to be a problem: For antelope out west, I know we always make sure they were set up for days in advanced....I would say if they are "brushed in" meaning you use the natural "brush" to hide them, their camo does enough to hide you: Just my $. 02

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Re: Question for pop-up blind users.

it really depends on the situation, if you are needing to be close enough for a bow shot then it is definately better to put it up ahead of time, if the deer are going to be farther away though it doesnt have as much affect , however either way make sure you brush it in good

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