Michigan Turkey Hunting


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Just got an invite today from a friend in Michigan to come up and turkey hunt this spring. smile.gif Do any of you Michigan natives (or if you've hunted as a non-resident) know the cost of a non-resident license and how hard it is to get one?

As near as I can tell from the DNR website, a non-res license is only $69.00 (very reasonable) and you have to apply before Feb. 1st. Is that it, or am I missing something? Thanks.

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Re: Michigan Turkey Hunting

I haven't checked the DNR website. Residents can buy a tag over the counter for the late season hunt which is the whole month of May. I'm not sure if non residents can buy that hunt or not. It still has to be purchased before Feb. 1 though. If you can, I would get that hunt and you don't have to worry about the lottery and you save the application fee.

That is the tag I get every year. You get a month to hunt instead of a week. The weather is better, and the birds are just as active and vocal.

What part of the state will you be hunting? There is also a guaranteed hunt for private land only in the Southern part of the state that is 2 weeks long.

Good Luck.


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Re: Michigan Turkey Hunting

Thanks Matt. Late season is when I was planning on going anyway. I'll go just after our season ends here in VA (May 13th) and I've still got the itch to hear'em gobble! From your info it sounds like a good decision.

Not sure about the locale. The guy is a vendor here where I work so I've gotta ask him.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Michigan Turkey Hunting

i hunt in Mich. but live in Indiana. i hunt the late seasion in May. to do so i buy a sprotsman ID. for $1 and then apply for a hunt in units. i apply for the unit ZZ. its a private land in southern Mich guaranteed hunt. i think there due in by end of Feb.

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