Very, Very BAD DAY !!


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Man I think today was my Friday the 13th..... crazy.giffrown.gif

On my way in to work this morning I was following a pickup truck with a sander on it,,, yep you guessed it,,, Bye Bye windshield,, so I get to work and contact my insurance company, and they tell me to bring it to Portland Glass to see if they can replace it,,, sure enough they were able to get a winshield and had it replaced within hours.... cool.gifsmile.gif

Nope I'm not done,, I leave work to pick up my truck and as Im leaving their yard going down a steep hill towards major trafic flow,,, I step on the brakes and yep you got it..... RIGHT TO THE FLOOR.... Thank GOD for E-Brakes,,, I get it stopped and recover my breathe and remove my heart from my throat. I take a look,, sure enough I blew a left rear brake line.... easy enough to fix,, but no-one can do it until tomarrow,,, so now I have to ride-share with the wife in the morning....OH BOY !! lucky me..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Hopefully this isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg,, dang labor charges are outrageous.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Sorry Folks I needed to VENT..... wink.gif

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Re: Very, Very BAD DAY !! had a rough day alright, but don't you just love it when the brakes go in the driveway, instead of while your piling in behind some traffic at a stop light. Man...I'd call that one a blessing in disguise wink.gif

The windshield...well...kinda hard to see the blessing in that one, but maybe there was and we just can't see it. grin.gif

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