Barnes Triple Shock X bullet


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Re: Barnes Triple Shock X bullet

It is the only hunting bullet I use now. I've taken two elk, two deer, and several hogs with various X bullets.

The bullet in the photo is a 180 Gr. VLX from my 300 RUM. There was 0 weight loss. This bullet had a muzzle velocity of about 3500 FPS and dropped my Rocky Mountain Elk in it's tracks. We retrieved the bullet from the right shoudler blade. I initially thought I may have missed because I couldn't see my elk after recoil and sight picture reaquisition. She simply was layed flat out that fast. I had very similar results with a CA Tule Elk.

Probably the best results were on hog hunts where my outfitter friend highly discouraged the use of anything smaller than a .270. He frowned upon my 85 Gr. X-bullets and was not shy about what he thought their performance might be. That is until we absolutely devestated 2 large hogs right in front of his eyes! Both hogs dropped in their tracks and did not move after.

I hightly recommend the Barnes website and joinging the X-Club. They give you a few things most of important of which is the reloading manual and reloading DVD. Barnes really recommends going low calorie on their bullets, i.e., if you usually hunt 180 gr try 160 instead. I trust the advice completely. The results speack for themselves.


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Guest bronco_mudder

Re: Barnes Triple Shock X bullet


I have not tried the Triple Shock version but I ahve shot the older X-Bullet and I was not impressed. I have not gotten that great of accuracy from them.

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Agreed with the accuracy of the original X-Bullets, it wasn't that great. I have however choosen to try the Tripple Shocks in my 25/06 AI when I get it back from the smith, hopefully soon, smile.gif The reason for wanting to give them a try is that I've read a lot of good reports on these bullets, so hopefully things have changed for the better. The info I've looked at is only coming from posts on other forums, and who knows how true it is, but I'm willing to give them a try. If the accuracy turns out good the 100 grain offering out of this rifle should prove to be a great, super flat shooting deer killer grin.gifwink.gif

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Re: Barnes Triple Shock X bullet

I have used the older X bullets with some success. Most will agree that they penetrate well. I have always been concerned with the bullet "penciling", this is because of the smaller than normal wound channels I have seen when using the X bullets. All the game which are deer sized have had complete pass throughs. It wasnt until this season that concerns may have been proven. These pics show the before and after pics of a 168gr Barnes TSX that took a big Canadian whitetail down. The shot was right at 100 yards from a 300 WSM @ 3150fps and the buck was shot dead on facing me. The bullet passed through the inards and lodged in the left ham under the skin. The bullet did lose about 2 grains.


Life is good, Give God the Glory....doubleA

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Re: Barnes Triple Shock X bullet

Wow!!!! That bullet doesn't look like the one in the Barnes ad!! Wonder how come it failed to expand?????? confused.gif

I've been working on a load for the 140 gr. in my 7-STW. I can't attest to the accuracy (or lack of) from the original X's. But with just a few loads test-fired, it's looking like I will be able to get the coveted "one hole" group from this rifle. I'm loving the TSX right about now.

Just don't like the looks of a failure-to-expand. frown.gif

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Re: Barnes Triple Shock X bullet

I believe that is why they went to the coated VLC X bullet, then the Triple Shock, and now the MRX. The problem with the OG barnes was excessive pressures and a very hard bullet. FWIW, I get similar performance from the VLC as the Triple Shock.

Double A, those are real interesting pics that I would send to Barnes. It almost appears as if the bullet yawed just prior to impact.

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