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As my dad and the rest of the guys were gathering at my house Saturday morning at 6am to head up to deer camp for the opener of gun season, I came out the door ready to bow hunt. My dad says "what are you doing up?" My response "im going bow hunting, this is the prime time." He says "whatever". Well I got to my stand about 15 minutes before daylight and planned to sit til 9:30am since I had to be at work at 11am. It was about 20 degrees farenheit and super still. I sat through the opening hour or two of daylight without a peep or crunch in the leaves. About a quarter to 9 I heard a rustle in the corn to my left and out came a fox not 15 yards away. That was pretty cool. Then probably 20 minutes later I seen a deer making its way to me in between the woods and corn field. It made its was into the woods and ended up being a button buck. He milled around for 10 or 15 minutes before heading across the picked soy bean field to the bigger section of woods. After he left I looked at my cell phone and seen I had about 20 more minutes to hunt. I put the phone away and sat down. Probaly 30 seconds later I could hear footsteps directly behind me and heading to my right. I picked up my bow and watched over my shoulder. Here came a buck. I still had a buck tag and wasnt looking for a trophy so I got into position to shoot. The buck got to the trail I walked in on and stopped to eat a acorn or two. That gave me the opportunity to stand and turn around so i could make the shot to my right side being a right handed shooter. The deer never detected me. About the tim I got into position to shoot, he proceeded foreward about another 10 yards. He got into a small shooting lane about 35 yards out and I grunted at him. He stopped and I was already at full draw. I put the 35 yard pin right behind the shoulder and absolutely smoked him. Right when the arrow hit I could see blood pouring out of him. He ran out of the small section of woods I was in, across the soy bean field and into the corn. I looked at my cell phone again and it was time to go. I tracked probably 15 yards out o the soy bean field and maked the spot and had to husle home and go to work. I planned on looking for him this morning. I called my Uncle Mike and told him what happened and he volunteered to go look for the deer. I told him he didnt have to but he insisted, so I dropped my tag off at his house. I got to work and was there for probably 15 minutes when my cell phone rang. It was my Uncle Mike. I said "whats up?" and he says "im about to gut your 6 point out, where do you want me to hang him?" grin.gif I politely said "in the garage please"haha. I got out of work early and headed home to check out my buck. My dad is gonna be totally shocked when he hears the story of this one. grin.gif


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Hey Nick, way to go man. You sure do deserve it with all the hrs you've been putting in at work. I'll bet you feel a bit better today, than you did when we talked in chat the other night.

Way to go buddy...nice buck...good shootin too man ..ya smoked him grin.gif

What kind of plate are you going to serve that crow on for your Dad ...LOL. Call the dish "Whatever, w/gravy" ... wink.gif

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