About dang time!!!!


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Two o clock Sat. morning my alarm goes off. Now mind you, because I was tossing and turning all night long I probably only fell asleep 30 minutes before the blasted thing went off. Anyway I pop out of bed and head strait to the coffee pot. Peeking into the living room like a kid at Christmas, I smile as I see sitting there in the floor next to my chair, like millions of presents under the tree, my rifle, ammo bag, cammo cloths, and my boots. I shut the bedroom door as not to awake the beast urrr.....uhhhh...I mean the wife, and I sit there going through all of my stuff for the thousandth time.

Time to get dressed and get on the road. At 0230 I am pulling out of the driveway going across town to pick up one of my hunting buddies. Apon arriving we hook up the trailer with the 4- wheeler and coolers and off to I-HOP we go. This is where we met up with the third and finnal member of our hunting party.

After a nice, yet stomache turning breakfast at 0330 we take off on the 45 mile drive to Pleasanton Tx.

Ok we are there, unload the 4-wheeler, load the rifles, dawn all of our over garmits and head off to the blinds.

After chumming alittle corn down the road on both side of the tripod that I was going to be in, I climbed up and settled in. It was probably around 40 that morning so not bad at all. Yeah right about 0530 the wind came right out of the north at about 85 mph...ok more like 15 to 20 but it felt like 85. I am thinking what a miserable day this is going to be about the time the sun starts to peak.

Still alittle to dark for me to see much I desided to look through my binos down the road by some big oaks where I had tripped, dropped the bag of corn, made a ton of horrible noise, cussed a bit and thought that this day was ruined for sure. Well, what before my eyes appear but two nice deer eating all of the corrn where I had dropped the bag. I couldn't believe my eyes. They didnt know I was there at all, or just didnt care.

I reach for my 30.06 and look through the scope, still alittle dark I couldnt make out what they were as far as gender just yet. And since this is spike and doe only I had to make darn sure.

As I am sitting there waiting for what seems like an eternity for the sun to shed some light on the situation, just knowing by the time it does get light enough they would probably be gone, the wind picked up even more blowing right at the two deer. I just knew that I was busted for sure. But this must have been my day, I guess I was high enough up that my scent if any was blowing right over the top of them, and it was so windy it was hard to hear.

Okay, it is light enough now and I can make out that I have two does about 85 yards in front of me. I try to steady my rifle in the horrible wind, wich was not easy let me tell you, but I got it done. I am going for a neck shot, slow, steady trigger squeeze.....BOOM, she dropped like a ton of bricks. Right where she stood. I almost fell out of the stand I was so excited. Then I started going over my commentary, you know the one I would give if I was being filmed and put on OLN or something. Shut up, you know you do it too!!! hehe

Anyway after about 30 min of staring at her just to make sure I climb down to go tag her. She dressed at @ 65lbs. not a monster, but I have a small freezer so she will be perfect. My first and last one of the season. Oh yeah I forgot my camera, but luckly my buddies both had one so hopelfully by tomorrow I will have pics of her for yall. A few extra points for team 7 anyway.

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful season, I have to go get my fishing gear untangled now as my deer season has come to an end.

Yall have a good 'un now ya hear.


Ryan grin.gif

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Guest littlered

Re: About dang time!!!!


Then I started going over my commentary, you know the one I would give if I was being filmed and put on OLN or something. Shut up, you know you do it too!!! hehe

[/ QUOTE ]

lol, i remeber doing,that congrats on the deer

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