Range of a .243?


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Ive been debating over a new Rifle, mainly for varmit.

Through suggestions ive heard Ruger .204, .243, and .223. I know what a .223 will do. Im not sure what the .204 will do but the rounds are expensive around here. Now under heavy suggestions im thinking .243. How far out are they still enough for yote and bobcats? Also, are they to big for a varmit gun such as dogs?

Ive got the money, I just need the suggestions....

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Range of a .243?

I honestly believe the .243 will be more than enough at any distance you or I could shoot! I've heard of guys nailing coyotes at 350+ yards with a .223, which means the .243 will do one better. 350 yards is a pretty dang long shot! Probably longer than I'll ever take on a coyote.....around here anyway. I really like the .243, but got the .223 because of the cheaper ammo. I love it so far! Will be getting a .308 barrel for it sometime soon for deer-sized animals+.

What gun are you going to get?

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Re: Range of a .243?

LOL....this is only my 3rd post in this thread... grin.gif

Hey, just wondering if you have a scope picked out yet? I just ordered a Simmons 44 mag 6.5-20x44 from Natchezss for $99. It's in the mail headed this way! I looked that scope up in Cabela's and it runs around $219+. I'll let you know what she's like when I get it....Just thought I'd give you the heads up if you haven't picked out a scope. Would've liked a little nicer scope, but the price was right, and it's something more like what I was looking for...

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Re: Range of a .243?


I posted a minute ago and got a bunch of jumble and "Banned!" I about had a heart attack!

Anyway, I was looking for realworld experince but didnt have time to ask the real questions. Is the distances listed based on realworld experince or the balistic tables? I dont doubt you AJ, youve always impressed me, I just wanted to hear some testimonials. Also, do factory load still allow you those ranges or are we talking hand loads?

Also, thanks for the link Ryan! Thats an awesome price for that scope! I havent picked out a rifle yet. I just now got the money together. Im looking for a bolt. Im partial to the Rem700 but I really like Savage too... Anyone with any suggestions?

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Re: Range of a .243?

I have a 6mm Rem Ackley Improved and It will kill a coyote a lot farther than I can shoot it for a one shot kill. The 243 Win will do just about the same thing. Feed that puppy some 70 gr V-Max bullets and frag some varmints. Hangunnr has it right with his post, I too would only pause shooting a coyote at 500 yards long enough to get the crosshairs to hover in the right spot. Then POW. With light bullets, the 243 is just as effective as the 6mm, 243 WSSM, 240 Wby, and other wildcats.

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Re: Range of a .243?

I like the .243 for durn vermits, too! I swtiched from my .222 so I could practice shooting with my deer gun on vermits. Learned a tough lesson about hides and bullets, though. Velocity + Mass/ weight = very big exit hole. The .243 seems to fly a bit truer at long range for me, too.

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Re: Range of a .243?

I'm not a real big range shooter, but I was messing around with my 243 a year or so ago and was shooting coke cans at 250. I decided to see what kind of damage it would do, so I filled up a 2ltr bottle with water and put the lid on it.

At 250 yards the only thing recognizable from the bottle was the lid and a couple peices from the bottom.

I don't know what that translates into fps or energy, but it sure was pretty cool.

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Re: Range of a .243?

Another benefit of the 243 is the availability of premium bullets. The benchrest croud almost exclusively uses the 6 PPC or 6 BR for longer range stuff and outstanding match grade bullets can be had for the 6mm or .243 caliber. Some of these bullets will work superbly on varmints (read frag).

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Re: Range of a .243?


When I sell the gun I posted I plan to get a .243 for my coyote gun. I have heard nothing but good things about them. Plus the bonus of a .243 over a .223 is that you can use it for a deer gun. It also makes a great rifle for your kids to start with too. I got a Bushnell Banner scope from Natchez a couple weeks ago to put on my rifle. Show some pics when you get your new gun.


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